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  1. Scottishduffy

    Why is reading 'dorky'?

    That would have been me. I was very close friends with several teachers, especially my science teacher. We would sit and chat about current events, new scientific research, and what not. We also would often discuss books or get into debates regarding morality and ethics. I *loved* this. It is so...
  2. Scottishduffy

    Candy-Preference Personalilty Diagnosis, from "Psychology according to Novella"

    I would like to blame my mother for my aversion to particular colors of M&M's. For years, as a child, I would not dare to touch the brown ones. So that makes me a paranoid militant? Sweeeeeeet. How about people who love White chocolate??
  3. Scottishduffy

    Barbara Kingsolver: The Poisonwood Bible

    I loved the Brother Fowles character as well. He actually reminded of a family I knew who were missionaries in South America for many years. The father character just hates Brother Fowles for having accomplished what he can not. For proving him wrong regarding what it truly means to take a...
  4. Scottishduffy

    What is "racist"?

    If you want another interesting website with answers to questions regarding race. Check out Yforum.com , I spent hours searching this site the first time I founds it.
  5. Scottishduffy

    Voting: November 2005 Book of the Month

    Wow, something I nominated actually won. I feel.... kinda special. I just finished this book so I am ready for the discussion!
  6. Scottishduffy

    How do you arrange your bookshelves?

    I really don't have a book shelf. I have on small nookcase that isn't near big enough. My book shelf is my bedroom floor next to my night table. There lies a stack of about ten books, arranged in no particular order. When I am done with a book I usually pass it on in some form.
  7. Scottishduffy

    Why is reading 'dorky'?

    Definition of Dorky reading: It is 85 degrees inside... there is a hurricane blowing outside..... and I'm curled up with a copy of The Picture of Dorian Gray. My co-workers thought I was nuts, but I just needed some peace and quiet. Here I am an adult and reading is still considered to be...
  8. Scottishduffy

    How often do you talk about books?

    I talk about books a lot with my father. He reads just as much as I do. Then on occassion I will discuss books with co-workers. Just yesterday I was talking with someone who was asking me for some recomendations for historical fiction.
  9. Scottishduffy

    The Therapy Thread

    I need to rant and this is a good place. I hate hurricane shopping! Wandering through the grocery store, I wonder if this is what it felt like to attempt to shop in the USSR. Bare shelves and too many people. I also hate having to camp out at the hospital. Since I am part of the hurricane team...
  10. Scottishduffy

    I just finished reading...

    The Way The Crow Flies by Ann-Marie MacDonald- A very good novel with multiple plots besides the main murder which the book is centered around. I truly enjoyed how all of the different sub stories spun around the murder. I also did some research about the real life case this book was inspired...
  11. Scottishduffy

    Let's talk retirement

    I have a retirement fund through work. I am currently 24 years old and started doing this as soon as I started work. the company will automatically put away 4% of your income for retirement, and after 5 yrs employment will match that 4% every year. You can choose to contribute more or not to...
  12. Scottishduffy

    Why is reading 'dorky'?

    Reading was dorky at my school. The only reasons I can think is partly because of the fact that reading is required at school. We had to do so much of it for classes, why bother doing any extra? Plus, the majority of the girls were into their social groups. Life consisted of nothing more...
  13. Scottishduffy

    The Great Book Abandoner

    My Initial reaction is to dodge it, though some of the books I will end up eventually reading. I just keep thinking that if a book is hyped up so much I am bound to be dissapointed when I read. If only for the reason that I may have come to expect so much from it. Though, some of the hype books...
  14. Scottishduffy

    Books that get a reaction(i.e.-People confronting you about it)

    I don't know what they were thinking. I just remember using the book for truly great ghost stories at night. It was just for me, and my friends. We never shared the stories with the younger kids, just had fun amongst ourselves. Some of the adults just assumed that reading all of the morbid stuff...
  15. Scottishduffy

    Books that get a reaction(i.e.-People confronting you about it)

    I founf it at a Barnes and Nobles, at a super bargain price of about $5 for a huge hardcover book. It came complete with crime scene photos and everything! We used to use it for bedtime stories at camp. Tons of fun.... but once some of the counselors figured out we had it (we were all 16 by the...
  16. Scottishduffy

    The Great Book Abandoner

    Ha ha ha! :D I won't touch most of the books my hubby attempts to read. The only thing he has managed to read was The Godfather. Besides that, not much. I do the same thing with other people! When some people reccomend a book.. it is almost a guarentee I won't read it. Any book I hear...
  17. Scottishduffy

    The Great Book Abandoner

    My Hubby does this, but he is not much of a reader to begin with. Occassionally he will see one of my books and go "That looks interesting!" So of course I will give him my book, only to have him get about 1/2 way through every book and then just drop it. I can't remember a single book he has...
  18. Scottishduffy

    Suggestions: November Book of the Month

    I never knew one was a prequel to the other. Sure, why not. If I enjoy this one so much I am sure I will enjoy the other as well. Either book is fine with me. Of course, the fact I already own TWTCF makes me partial to that. :D
  19. Scottishduffy

    Suggestions: November Book of the Month

    Alright, I'll make a suggestion or two. 1) The Portrait of Dorian Gray - It is in my TBR pile and I would love to have other's read it as well. 2) The Way The Crow Flies by Ann Marie MacDonald- My current read. So far it has been extremely enjoyable. I know a few others here have read it...
  20. Scottishduffy


    It is amazing what a few years of summer camp will get you in the way of pranks. Now, are you requesting Juvenile and slightly annoying pranks or pranks to get someone else in some slight trouble? He he he.. One of my favorites is pouring powdered Kool-Aid into the shower head and screwing it...