I actually don't read very much in public now. However, I remember when I brought books to read in High school I actually got in trouble. It was my goal, in high school, to start reading lots of inappropriate and banned books. My father allowed me to read these books, so I could not understand why my teachers and other people felt compelled to question me. Among these books:
Encyclopedia of Serial Killers: Mainly comments from my summer camp about how I, as a nice young girl, should not focus on such macabre things and instead read happy romance novels.

Normal girls don't like death.
Steal this book: I was reading while the kids I was a nanny for were in Tae Kwon do. They were in class, I was on a bench at the back of the room watching them and just waiting. A mother next to me saw the book, looked over my shoulder to see the Molotov cocktail recipe, and actually started to tell me I should not be allowed to care for the two children I had. Lecture me about my 'bad' parents and ask me if I had ever been abused.
Mao Tse Tungs Little Red Book and Hitler's Mein Kamf usually just got me very weird looks.
To Ride a Silver Broomstick: This book is about converting to the Wiccan religion. I went to a Southern Baptist school. My english teacher saw this and just snapped. I was made to stay after school to 'discuss my faith' with my teachers. They wanted to know if I was christian, and how I could say I was truly devoted to God when reading such filth.
Of course these reactions just cemented my devotion to reading these books. Most of the banned books no one cared about. However, those listed above got me stares at school left and right. I was already a social reject, but several girls refused to even speak to me at all after seeing some of that stuff ( I preferred them to not speak to me though
