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  1. veggiedog

    Have you been phished?

    Wow, you're right! I just tried this with a bulk email.
  2. veggiedog

    Pandora's Box

    I don't know if I should be reviewing this poem, since I'm not a poet (or arguable a very bad one :p) but too bad, so sad, because here I go: That was good! Very creative rhymes. I also loved the way you handled and included the myth of Pandora's box, very original. Some lines are a few...
  3. veggiedog

    The things they sell on eBay!

    Oh my. That was very disturbing. Some of the most grotesque images I've ever seen :D. My brother used to start freaking out if I so much as put a doily on his plate. This guy must be absolutely fearless.
  4. veggiedog

    Where are you from?

    We can experience all the seasons in one day. The forecast is correct about...oh, maybe 5% of the time, if at all. You'd think they were randomly guessing. We have days when we get torrents of hail in the morning, beautiful sun in the afternoon, and a horrific thunderstorm at night. Usually, at...
  5. veggiedog

    Have you been phished?

    I get e-mails like this all the time! If I find one like this in my bulk folder and it's from somebody I don't know with a suspicious-looking subject, I don't even bother to open it. I could contain a virus. By the way, I think that Chase is a bank. I can't be sure though, I don't know crap...
  6. veggiedog

    Favorite Words

    Yeah, my parents are trying to force me to be a doctor (it's an Indian thing, most people wouldn't understand) and I'm studying for the AP bio test and coming across all these incredible words: noncyclic photophosphorylation binomial nomenclature faculatative anaerobes photoperiodism...
  7. veggiedog

    Question Game

    Well, based on the various tests I've taken, I have an IQ ranging from 127 to 163. :confused:? I think it's because I'm unfortunately spacially challenged, but I'm really good with general knowledge, verbal IQ, and patterning. What is the color of your eyes?
  8. veggiedog

    Where are you from?

    Thanks Poppy! I always thought that Dogbert and I had overlapping personalities. We're both slightly opinionated, somewhat cynical...and power-hungry [devilish smilie]! Not hereabouts. Michigan may very well be a very exciting place with the exception of my hometown. It's one of the safest...
  9. veggiedog

    Question Game

    Never been! Who is your favorite artist (musical)?
  10. veggiedog

    Can we play an A-Z game?...

    Moby Dick -- Herman Melville
  11. veggiedog

    Favorite Words

    Faves: discombobulated pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (sp?) silence silvery luminous slice darkness
  12. veggiedog

    Happy Happy Day Libre!

    My brother once taped nickels to his eyelids. Probably not for the same reasons though.
  13. veggiedog

    Happy Happy Day Libre!

    Feliz Cumpleanos!
  14. veggiedog

    Ray Bradbury: The Martian Chronicles

    He did intend The Martian Chronicles to be a collection of short stories, but he was told by his publisher than people don't want stories--they want novels. So Bradbury, noticing that the stories fit together nicely, created some smoother transitions between them and published the book as a...
  15. veggiedog

    Favorite T.V. Commercial

    That's such a cute commericial!! I'm a sucker, I know. :cool:
  16. veggiedog

    The things they sell on eBay!

    You forgot the angel-shaped popcorn piece, the teeth of King Louis XIV, and the refugees/illegal immigrants (who should be warned that life in America isn't any better than their homelands--it's probably safer there; even if they do have a psychotic dictator, so do we). But I don't know...
  17. veggiedog

    so what the big deal

    Hi, WT. I'm not a fan, I've only read through book three (I hang my head in shame :p ) but movies in most cases never compare to books, bewarned. You usually don't get the depth of character, the nuances, the subtle foreshadowing, the author's style and technique, the rhythm and tone and...
  18. veggiedog

    Ray Bradbury: The Martian Chronicles

    READ IT! I CANNOT URGE YOU ENOUGH!!! Whether you like it or not, it's a great learning experience.
  19. veggiedog

    Ray Bradbury: The Martian Chronicles

    Yay! Another groupie! Unfortunately, as of yet, I haven't gotten around to reading much of his stuff. The other other book by him that I've finished is Fahrenheit 451 which I LOVED (despite its being required reading), and a few of his short stories. In my Lit class, we had a choice of several...
  20. veggiedog

    What are you listening to Right now?

    The ticking of the clock. The sound of my typing. My dad yelling at my brother to do his chores. My brother snoring as he does so. My homework begging to be completed. My mom begging me to complete my homework. The phone ringing, and no one bothering to answer it. The TV on downstairs where...