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  1. veggiedog

    How's the weather where you live?

    Here in Michigan it's been raining for the past month, and the average temperature is about 40 degrees. This is just wrong. Where is the snow??? Last night it snowed about an inch, and by noon it was gone. The lawns are greener now than they are in July. What the hell??!!?? Where are my snow...
  2. veggiedog

    Question Game

    Nope. What is the worst movie you have ever seen?
  3. veggiedog

    New from Ohio

    Hi there! You're about a fortnight my junior; I'm a newbie too. To tell the truth, I know almost nothing about US History, but I'm taking the AP class next year, because it's a required class here in Michigan (I figured the freshman class would be too easy, considering I'm already taking the...
  4. veggiedog

    Assisted suicide ...

    You have some really good points here. I fully agree.
  5. veggiedog

    Assisted suicide ...

    They are not pressured to kill themselves. These people themselves choose to end their pain. The statement of the wish to die must come from the patient him/herself, NOT a family member. If the person is unable to communicate this statement, nothing is done. How does this provide well-being for...
  6. veggiedog

    Last seen...

    I watched The Chronicles of Narnia for the second time in theatres. The first time was with my friends, the second time was with my visiting cousins from India, who wanted to see a version without subtitles obscuring half the screen. On DVD, I watched The Day After Tomorrow for about the...
  7. veggiedog

    Question Game

    Monopoly! (Heh, heh, heh...) I always win. What was your most embarrassing moment? (Heh, heh, heh...)
  8. veggiedog

    Assisted suicide ...

    I just realized how awful and long the post above was, and how nobody's going to want to read the whole damn thing. I also just noticed how conceited I sound. I really didn't mean to appear so rude. :o I'm sorry!! :o
  9. veggiedog

    Jane Austen: Pride And Prejudice

    The reason I didn't like this book was because I didn't like Elizabeth. She was so stubborn and haughty that it made me physically cringe whenever she did, well, pretty much anything. I loved the writing, and all the subtle, wry humor, but I didn't love the protagonist, and that pretty much...
  10. veggiedog

    What are you listening to Right now?

    "The Way We Get By" -- Spoon
  11. veggiedog

    Assisted suicide ...

    Well, it is an editorial. Obviously the writer was happy the law wasn't repealed. You didn't expect it to be completely unbiased, did you? I think what liberals want isn't to be 'cost-effective' but to offer people a way to end their pain, ONLY IF THEY ARE TERMINALLY ILL AND DUE TO DIE WITHIN...
  12. veggiedog

    First book you ever read?

    I used to love that book! I did this extravagantly over-the-top project on it in third grade. All of the characters were clay figures, glazed and fired, who lived in this huge lego house half my height. I was quite a feat for an 8-year-old! I was such the overachiever. I still failed the project...
  13. veggiedog

    What are you listening to Right now?

    "Hate to Say I Told You So" -- The Hives
  14. veggiedog

    Ray Bradbury: Fahrenheit 451

    I really loved this book. The only thing I was disappointed in was the length. It was too short for the huge story it contained, and the plot details seemed a little rushed, especially towards the end. But I loved all of the beautiful description Bradbury provided, and all of the analogies...
  15. veggiedog

    Most hated 'classic' novel you've actually read

    I'm not especially well-read in classic literature, but I also think The Great Gatsby is overrated. Gatsby was not great. He was annoying. Half the characters were empty-headed buffoons who served no purpose but to be stupid and make huge mistakes that ended up destroying their lives. There was...
  16. veggiedog

    Assisted suicide ...

    I'm glad the Supreme Court made the right decision. It really isn't a right of the government to interfere with people's personal issues. Considering this was a very sensitive issue, it was handled very well. Oregon has plenty of precautions to avoid a lethal injection in someone who was going...
  17. veggiedog

    My Favourite Fantasy Books Of All Time

    As a younger kid: Redwall series As a prepubescent kid: Earthsea As a teenager: Lord of the Rings As an adult: ???Not there yet!??? I feel like I should be reading some of the uppercrust-type fantasy all of you are talking about, but I'm not sure I'm ready for all the gore and sex I'm afraid...
  18. veggiedog

    War Of The Worlds

    Wow. A lot of people seem really pissed off. I will admit point blank that I have never read the book, nor do I have any current desire to do. In fact, I have no desire to do anything but mope around the house for the next several days, seeing that I have just recieved my final exam grades...
  19. veggiedog

    Brokeback Mountain

    I REALLY want to see this movie now, especially after it's win at the Golden Globes. But my parents are cheap (as always :D) and don't want to go to the movies with me because they want to save every penny possible for my college fund. When it comes out on DVD though, I'm definitely going to...
  20. veggiedog

    What are you listening to Right now?

    "All These Things That I've Done" by the Killers, from under the crack of my brother's bedroom door. It's starting to get on my nerves.