I really don't like the idea of physician assisted suicide at all. I don't think there's such a thing as dignified suicide. But it's not my place to speak for someone else, because I'm not in the same position as them. If it is legalized, there should be very strict boundaries on it, including written and spoken verification of the patient's wish for death, and only if there is absolutely zero chance of recovery. Family members should not be allowed to order the death of a relative if s/he has not explicitly asked for it (with documented proof), especially when others in the family are still willing to fund treatment. If someone wants to kill themselves, then fine by me. It's not my problem. But it becomes my problem when the government allows others to say that their loved ones 'want,' to die for purely selfish reasons (like if that person wants to recieve an inheritance or life insurance benefits, or whatever), becuase that's illegal and wrong.
As someone who plans on being a doctor when I grow up, I would NEVER assist someone in suicide because it goes against all the morals and religious beliefs I grew up with. But as long as there are people willing to die and people willing to help them do it, I don't really care. It's their business, not mine. The same goes for abortion. I'm opposed to it, but I don't think it's the government's responsibility to tell people what they can and cannot do in their personal lives.
I think one of the reasons abortion and physician assisted suicide are such hot topics is because stuff like this--social/personal freedoms--brings out other issues like public nudity, legalizing illicit drugs, the right to burn down your own property, etc. All of these things, while personal choices, have negative effects on society as a whole (ex. I don't really want to see naked people while on my way to school, thank-you-very-much. I would be appalled

. I still don't think that the government should have the right to control these things entirely, but should be able to restrict them, and allow them only under special circumstances.
Now does the government really think that the Founders meant for America to turn into a totalitarian dictatorship with control over every aspect of our lives? I don't think it will get that far, but by revoking rights one by one (like drugs, abortion, etc.), the people are losing power with each one lost.