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  1. RobertM

    Recently purchased DVDs

    TV series: 'Combat' Four disks. Thought it was quite the score until I realized there are a total of 44 disks in the series. Okay show, but not worth buying all 44. Watching Joan Hackett play a French girl was pretty funny. Her French accent was well...ahem.
  2. RobertM

    What are you paying for gas?

    Seattle/Puget Sound area: Running about 3.50usd per gallon for regular unleaded. The Seattle Times newspaper ran a gas price list from around the world. The lowest price was a measly 19 cents U.S. ---in Venezuela.
  3. RobertM

    Books you have bought but haven't read yet

    Bren says: The postapocalyptic book about a boy and his father? Good choice, that one...
  4. RobertM

    Who is your favourite author, and why?

    Ray Bradbury Isaac Asimov Joesph Heller (the movie didn't do his novel justice) Childrens' books: Dr Seuss NOTE: I have to object to Harry Potter as strictly a commercial enterprise, and of no real value to children. Mostly read and collected by adults, anyway, NOT kids, since most kids...
  5. RobertM

    Books you have bought but haven't read yet

    Purists will hate me for this comment, but when a few of the books on that list were written...there WERE no book editors. And some of those guys IMHO needed an editor. Once in a while I get a bug up my behind and edit some 2 or 3 hundred year old classic, just to do it. Last one I did was...
  6. RobertM

    Isaac Asimov

    Asimov was (and continues to be) one of major forces in science fiction. And beyond his novels, there was always the magazine. A few months back, I was inspired to create a fast-moving slideshow with music, and Asimov made a key appearance in the show, along with my other favorite sci-fi...
  7. RobertM

    Note : never undertake a writing project using a library

    I had to reply to Marquis Rex's notes on the difficulty of writing and working an outside job. Been there/done that, as they say. One thing I found that helps: Try to take a nap after work...and THEN do some writing. During the day, I run an upscale housecleaning business in Seattle. We...
  8. RobertM

    Kurt Vonnegut: Breakfast Of Champions

    I can't really explain it myself, but I believe Vonnegut's work would be REALLY difficult to transfer to film effectively. He has so many nuances in his writing. 'Slaughterhouse 5' was okay. You had to give them an 'A' for effort, anyway. All I know is I wouldn't want to try writing a...
  9. RobertM

    what's everyone up to today?

    Sorry for the cartoon link thing there. I should have read up a couple of more posts... Hope your mom is recovering okay! :)
  10. RobertM

    what's everyone up to today?

    I found this place called Toondoo.com and I've been hanging around the place creating cartoons. It's all drag and drop and very easy. I have to stop going there...it's eating into time I should be editing! Anyway, I made up a few cartoons. The ones showing the lunar surface didn't turn out...
  11. RobertM

    post a list of your favorite bands

    When you see a list like this, you say to yourself: 'Look at the old guy...ha ha.' Pearl Jam U-2 Green Day Eric Burdon and the Animals Early Black Sabbath Smashing Pumpkins Eddie Cochran Bad Company
  12. RobertM

    Harper Lee: To Kill A Mockingbird

    This is just useless trivia, but when 'Scout' of Mockingbird made her Twilight Zone appearance, she was the star ('The Bewitchin' Pool') and it was the very last Zone ever produced. Another useless Jeopardy response...(lol)
  13. RobertM

    Story beginning

    Novella says: Well, excuse me for breathing, Mr Professional...if you have been an editor for 20 years, then you should know people are going to make comments if you post up seeking comments. At least I liked your work. 'They' tore my stories to shreds. (lol) No one was being...
  14. RobertM

    Story beginning

    I scanned over the earlier installments, and then read the last few entries. I couldn't find much wrong with it. You have the point-of-view concept down very well, and that is important. There is nothing that will trash a work quicker than bad POV usage. Bad POV is the sign of an amateur...
  15. RobertM


    I said: Hmm. And maybe I was little arrogant in that last post. I had to come back to this and apologize. When someone made the comment about my day job, I suppose I overreacted there... I think it's somebody else's turn to post up their work, and for me to back off a bit. :)
  16. RobertM


    When I wrote this one, the length was restricted to 250 words or less... 'Memoir' Mrs. Sanders was crying again. It had been another difficult afternoon for her at the hospital, and now she was sitting in the kitchen sobbing quietly. Outside it was bright summer and warm. A few...
  17. RobertM


    Two hundred and fifty words or less is a tough genre to do major characterization. I thought the story was right to the point...abused wife finally has had enough. I dropped a clue to her personality with the over-cleaning of the sink. It was a simple story. I wouldn't read any more into it than...
  18. RobertM

    Dan Brown

    In my travels I meet people, and because 'The DaVinci Code' is such a bestseller, I sometimes hear people talk about it. The only problem I have with this scenario: You would be AMAZED at how many people think there is truth in that book. They don't seem to grasp that it is a NOVEL, that...
  19. RobertM

    Hi, I'm new

    Welcome to you, sciencegirl94. Good choice there on the 'book I'm currently reading'. Asimov makes you forget everything else while you are reading his work.
  20. RobertM


    I have about a hundred and fifty of these flash stories in a file. They are for a possible book next year. This is one of them. Anything to get him out of the damn house, she thought. She scrubbed the sink to hospital white and carefully rinsed it before blotting it dry with a...