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  1. Ice

    Hello all

    Welcome both of you :) Ovidiu - where in Romania are you from?
  2. Ice

    Not allowed to post replies?

    What was the exact error you received? As Libra mentioned, users can not incorporate links into their posts until they have a post count of 15 or more.
  3. Ice

    Your Pets

    If you hate shedding then remind me never to invite you to our house :p Nice dog though :)
  4. Ice

    Your favorite fantasy series

    George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series :)
  5. Ice

    Rome Stories

    One I enjoyed that was set in the Roman period is Borchardt's The Silver Wolf (it is the first in a series about werewolves, I thought I would mention this just incase you may not be interested in that type of plot).
  6. Ice

    Welcome our new moderators!

    Welcome all of you :)
  7. Ice

    Hello..I'm new..well..actually 29 yrs old..but new to the site!

    Welcome to the forums :) We actually don't tend to allow advertising on the forums and ask that you promote your own work in your signature only. Alternatively you could contact Darren regarding advertising rates. HTH :)
  8. Ice


    It is also possible they may have limited receipt of PM's to Mods and people on their buddy list only (possibly done a while ago and forgotten about?). Alternatively they could have sent you a PM, then disabled the function, however this seems unlikely.
  9. Ice

    Is your IQ above 160?

    Same here - I could only see cw until I scrolled down and read the explanation below, upon scrolling up again I could only see ccw. I can now switch between the two but it does take some effort.
  10. Ice

    Patricia Leitch

    You're welcome :) I remember enjoying that one as a child too :)
  11. Ice

    Patricia Leitch

    It sounds familiar - it's not the Children of Cherry Tree Farm is it? (Although only the children go and live with relatives in that one, not the entire family moving). Can you remember anything else about the book?
  12. Ice

    Bernard Cornwell: The Winter King

    Let us know what you think when you buy it (as I'm sure you will ;) )
  13. Ice

    Arthur C. Clarke

    Very sad news :( He was a great Author.
  14. Ice

    Suggestions - A new reader

    As you mention you are looking to venture into the fantasy genre I would certainly second the recommendation of George R.R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series :)
  15. Ice

    Bernard Cornwell: The Winter King

    That is what I love about Cornwell's writing - he does go into the finer details :) ABC, if you enjoy Cornwell's syle of writing you might want to look into his other works (after you have finished with his Arthur trilogy). Stonehenge is a good read, as is his Grail Quest series. I am...
  16. Ice

    Happy Birthday Stewart

    Hope you had a great day Stewart :cool:
  17. Ice

    Help - how can I edit a post ???

    You are logged out after a period of 15 minutes of inactivity if you do not have the 'remember me' box checked - unfortunately the system has no way of knowing whether or not you are composing a reply during that time. To get around this you either need to tick the 'remember me' box as you log...
  18. Ice

    Life of Pi: Does the Fiction Cheapen?

    Yes - it is a sticky in this section (General Book Discussion). The link is given below: STUDENT looking for help with a book? Look here!
  19. Ice

    Hitchhiker's guide series

    We have recently purchased the box set so i'll get round to reading them all again at some point :cool: