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  1. Hollis


    Hi Fitz! Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy yourself here!
  2. Hollis

    Im Special! Pick me!

    Welcome, gilbum! Hope you enjoy your time here and hope this place hooks you!
  3. Hollis

    Has anyone read...

    Good ol' search button on the forum... I just finished Rhapsody and really loved it. I'm a singer, so having the music-based magic was really delightful for me. I loved the characters too. The thing that makes or breaks a book for me is if I can't get into the characters. That's why I...
  4. Hollis

    I just finished reading...

    Just finished Rhapsody by Elizabeth Haydon, on recommendation from a friend. I loved it! Can't wait to read book 2. Loved the characters, loved the writing, loved the story, loved the musical based magic. Loved it!
  5. Hollis

    right to life - right to die

    Hearing people say stuff like that has always made me sad. Even in my lowest moments, I've always known that they'd eventually pass and that life was too long and there was too much to experience in it to want it to end. It's a gift, to me. So yes, I can't imagine not wanting to live! Not...
  6. Hollis

    [img] code is OFF??

    I've personally rather liked picture signatures (and think sacred's pic is lovely). I've been on several boards where there's a rule on sig size and it works. People abide by it. And yes, I've seen some rather large ones floating around here, so a limit might not be a bad idea. I'm not on...
  7. Hollis

    right to life - right to die

    The only problem with that, Bernard, and I do agree with you in theory, is that many people question what she truly wanted. He says that's what she wanted, but there's no documented proof of it. All you have to go by is the word of a man, which ordinarily probably would be enough. However...
  8. Hollis

    Does Motokid actually read books?

    Are you just having bad luck finding a book to capture your interest or is it more of a time thing? I love my book! It just happens to be 650 pages long!
  9. Hollis

    Does Motokid actually read books?

    Heh heh...I'll actually start discussing the books I've been reading when I actually finish one! Less than 200 pages to go on this one...
  10. Hollis

    right to life - right to die

    I think cases like this make you step back and just think, you know? Makes you think about society in general, about ethical grey areas, about our own humanity. What intrigues me so much about this case is lately, all the affidavits and suggestions that there might have been some form of...
  11. Hollis

    The Forgotten Realms

    Is there a particular order that's best to read the series in?
  12. Hollis

    Life's Final Chapter

    You know, the funerals I've been to have not been about sorrow so much as about remembrance and reconnection with family members and friends. In fact, we went to one just recently (a few weeks ago) and it was so neat seeing the family altogether, laughing and just enjoying each other as they...
  13. Hollis

    can't stop reading syndrom (lol)

    I heard about this book from someone on one of my reading yahoo groups: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0071390316/002-2791399-0214438?v=glance
  14. Hollis

    remember your first chapter book?

    I wish I remembered my first! But that was too long ago. I do remember reading a lot of Nancy Drew and Beverly Cleary though.
  15. Hollis

    can't stop reading syndrom (lol)

    Hee hee...and this reading syndrome...is that supposed to be a BAD thing? ;P
  16. Hollis

    is there a live chat available here?

    I don't think there is one. There was a topic I glanced at the other day in the suggestions area about getting a chat room and people felt that it was unnecessary or might take away from the board itself.
  17. Hollis

    Life's Final Chapter

    Yeah, I'm more traditional too. I'd like to simply be buried in a family plot next to my hubby. Or rather, him next to me because I don't want him to die before me! lol
  18. Hollis

    Online journals?

    Hey thanks, guys. Alice, I just draw for fun. I've always liked to doodle. It's nothing serious, really. I'm in a few art exchange groups online and I spend most of my time playing over on DA. You know, I do appreciate online journals and blogs. I think they really help you get to know a...
  19. Hollis

    Online journals?

    I used to do the livejournal thing, but am really not into it anymore. There's too much drama that goes on over there! lol Nowadays, I only really journal on my DeviantArt page or in my Art Blog.
  20. Hollis

    right to life - right to die

    Wow, this thread is getting hot! I still want to caution people about defining quality of life. Look at Christopher Reeve. How many people said, "Man, I couldn't live like that!" when everything happened to him. I'm sure his quality of life was low in people's eyes. And yet he lived and...