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I love the FR series. That's all I read really nowadays . Does anyone else like em?
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fr is add and dl was the earlier stuff d&d and became so popular they gave it, its own world( not totaly sure about dragon lance - because gygax had greyhawk / goard thing that was first ed d&d) but forgotten realms is based on oearth and ad vanced d&d rules.direstraits said:Ooh, I love Baldur's Gate. Are you familiar with it?
What's the difference between the FR and the Dragonlance series anyway?
phil_t said:I love the setting so I always keep meaning to read the books, but somehow I have never got round to them - I know we have the first Drizzt trilogy in the house somewhere, will get to it at some point I'm sure!!
Can you suggest some decent books outside of the Drizzt stuff?
Can you suggest some decent books outside of the Drizzt stuff?
The Avatar series was quite good. I have only read the first three, but found them enjoyable. Unfortunately I can't remember the author.