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  1. K-Dawn


    I can't get pictures on my posts so I wanted to see if I figured it out:
  2. K-Dawn

    English grammar versus American

    Well, Americans do use "I've got" sometimes which stands for "I have got". Wouldn't that count?
  3. K-Dawn


    How did you do that?
  4. K-Dawn


    Oops! I tried to get a picture on here but it wouldn't work.
  5. K-Dawn

    what we look like.

    Well, this is what I really look like. :D ;)
  6. K-Dawn

    what we look like.

    So you picture me as a wolf? :D
  7. K-Dawn

    What animal are you?

    What did you do? I was trying to figure out the wolf's even though it's not mine. :o I really like wolves. :o
  8. K-Dawn

    Killing Off Characters

    Yeah, I have a friend who cries when she rereads Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix because she loves the character who dies. Yeah, I was sad too (it was my favorite character), but I never cried about it.
  9. K-Dawn

    What animal are you?

    what animal are you? I got
  10. K-Dawn

    What country are you?

    I can't get the flags on the post! :mad: :mad:
  11. K-Dawn

    What country are you?

    Well, on one question both refered to me so I tried it twice, one with each answer. That isn't all true. That's a bit better, but still not all true.
  12. K-Dawn

    What do you miss?

    When I'm in school I miss being able to read all day like I do in the summer.
  13. K-Dawn

    math counts

    Thanks, guys. I love math. Well, I had a really bad cold when I took the tests, so I wasn't doing my best.
  14. K-Dawn

    Suggestions: March 2005

    How about Eragon by Christopher Paolini?
  15. K-Dawn

    math counts

    Today I went to a math competition with seven other students at my school and 96 other kids from Billings, Montana and surrounding areas (such as Laurel and Livingsten). There were two individual tests and one team test. The top four teams and the top two individuals go to state on March 7. I...
  16. K-Dawn

    C.S. Lewis

    I love the Narnia series. It's been a while since I've read it though. The first one I read was the Silver Chair. Then I went back and read the others. I also liked A Wrinkle in Time. That was a good book.
  17. K-Dawn

    Super Bowl

    Well, as I'm sad to say, the Patriots won the Super Bowl XXXIX 24 to 21. :(
  18. K-Dawn

    Super Bowl

    Eagles won the poll. Now time for the Super Bowl!
  19. K-Dawn

    Super Bowl

    The poll will stop at four, when the game starts.
  20. K-Dawn

    Super Bowl

    You know, it's amazing but today's Super Bowl Sunday, and no one has done a thread on it. Anyway, I'm doing a poll to see which team will win, and the score. Here's my guess: Eagles-30 Patriots-17 Eagles - 2 Patriots - 1