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  1. K-Dawn

    What book are you?

    You're Alice's Adventures in Wonderland! by Lewis Carroll After stumbling down the wrong turn in life, you've had your mind opened to a number of strange and curious things. As life grows curiouser and curiouser, you have to ask yourself what's real and what's the picture of illusion. Little...
  2. K-Dawn


    LOL :D :D :p
  3. K-Dawn


    I'm stuck. I can't think of anything to write. Do you have any suggestions on what I could do to get ideas?
  4. K-Dawn

    Your name - Hobbit style!

    Hobbit: Primula Deepdelver of Brockenborings Elven: Ireth Narmolanya :cool: :D ;) :)
  5. K-Dawn

    David Eddings

    Kheldar, Belgarath, and Beldin were my favorite characters. I like sarcasm if you can't tell. She was a bit of a nusiance, wasn't she?
  6. K-Dawn

    tell me...

    Nice, Silly Wabbit! :eek: That was great. Although, I think that was more descriptive, not less.
  7. K-Dawn

    Maths sequence

    Ahhhh!!! I can't find a pattern! It's sooo confusing!
  8. K-Dawn

    Maths sequence

    My dad looked at it and got it in two seconds! It makes me so mad! :mad: He seems to think it's seven.
  9. K-Dawn

    Maths sequence

    And I thought I was good at math! Geez, that's hard! :mad: Now I'll be working on it all night. Maybe I'll get the answer around midnight. :confused: :(
  10. K-Dawn

    tell me...

    And thank you both for your suggestions. I was just sitting in English one day with no work to do and decided to write something.
  11. K-Dawn

    tell me...

    Thanks, Ell.
  12. K-Dawn

    Character or just you??

    Usually a character just pops into my head. I'll get my plot and setting down and then think of a character that would go good with what I've already got. Or else I'll just think of a character that I want to write about and go from there.
  13. K-Dawn

    David Eddings

    How did you like the Belgariad and Mallorean series? Those are actually the only ones I've read so far. My dad had to go buy some other books to keep me from reading them over and over and over again. After I read Belgarath the Sorcerer I tried reading Polgara the Sorceress but I didn't like it.
  14. K-Dawn

    tell me...

    ...how does this sound: He was all alone. It was so dark he couldn't see a thing. But yet, he kept on moving. Creeping as silently as he could through the thick woods. He couldn't remember what happened. One minute he was sitting happily around the campfire, laughing with the others, and...
  15. K-Dawn

    Steps for writing chapters

    I don't follow any steps or anything like that. I just write until I find a good place to end a chapter, then I do. Then I do the same thing with the next chapter. And I don't name them until I'm done with the book (that is if I ever do name them).
  16. K-Dawn

    Gary Paulsen

    Yeah, but I like stories like that, so I didn't really care. I heard there's a book called Far North that goes along the same lines. It's on my booklist for a school club called Battle of the Books. I can't wait to read it. Hey, nice signature.
  17. K-Dawn

    Gary Paulsen

    I don't think I read that one. It sounds good, though. I'll check it out
  18. K-Dawn

    Top 5 Bands

    I have to make some changes to my list. 1) Metallica 2)Ozzy Ozbourne 3)Skid Row 4)Enrique Inglesias(I know that's not the band's name) 5)Maroon 5
  19. K-Dawn

    Top 5 Bands

    I really like the songs "Black Sabbath", "War Pigs", "Crazy Train", "Goodbye to Romance", and "Mr. Crowley".
  20. K-Dawn

    Top 5 Bands

    I like... 1) Metallica 2) Ozzy Ozbourne 3) Skid Row 4) ??? 5) ???