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  1. Miss Shelf

    Funny the things I miss

    I love Shade's taking on of that person who was boosting a terrible author. It had me in tears of laughter. I can't remember what it was, if anyone can point me to it I'd appreciate it!
  2. Miss Shelf

    What will put you off a book?

    For me, it's books where there are long passages of what someone's thinking, I guess this would be under the "stream of consciousness" umbrella. Flashbacks are another gripe. Sex scenes shoehorned in, apparently to make the book attractive to those who are titillated by soft-core porn...
  3. Miss Shelf

    Funny the things I miss

    Yeah, too bad the crazy ones don't last long. :rolleyes:
  4. Miss Shelf

    Tom Perrotta

    I haven't read Bad Haircutyet, but either The Wishbones or Joe College is a must! I liked Little Children but couldn't relate as much to the characters.
  5. Miss Shelf

    Tom Perrotta

    I've read Little Children, The Wishbones, and am currently reading Joe College, and will be reading Election as soon as I get my hands on it (I saw the movie a couple of years ago). I just can't get enough of his books. I can't put my finger on it, but I like his characters, and the situations...
  6. Miss Shelf


    Bill Bryson tops my list! I found Under the Tuscan Sun so-so. There was some good writing in it, but I got disgusted with it towards the end when she seemed to have a religious conversion that bordered on the hysterical (and not the "funny" definition of hysterical).
  7. Miss Shelf

    Guilty pleasures

    I find that some people look down at people who like mysteries and crime writers. I like the mental exercise that a good mystery gives you. Figuring out whodunit isn't always easy, and a good writer keeps you guessing till the end-and doesn't bring somebody out of left field as the culprit...
  8. Miss Shelf

    Happy Birthday Sirmyk!

    Happy (belated)birthday, might_be_sirmyk!
  9. Miss Shelf

    Happy Birthday Stewart!

    Happy (belated) Birthday Stewart! :)
  10. Miss Shelf

    People who annoy you-ship 'em off!

    I wouldn't need a spaceship for people I'd happily keep nearby-all I'd need is a rowboat. I sound like a crank, don't I? :D I don't care! :p
  11. Miss Shelf

    People who annoy you-ship 'em off!

    I was thinking about how many people I'm tired of hearing about all the time and how nice it would be to be able to ship them off to Mars for a few years at least. They would be straitjacketed and hockey-masked like Hannibal Lecter and wheeled on a dolly into the space ship. Only after the...
  12. Miss Shelf

    Happy Birthday SFG!!

    Happy Birthday! :)
  13. Miss Shelf

    Sally Spencer

    I've become hooked on Sally Spencer's mysteries. They're rather short compared to some, but "short" in the Christie and Doyle veins; Ms. Spencer doesn't bog the reader down with unnecessary details that send the plot off on tangents. I read a lot of mysteries, and I've read three of her books...
  14. Miss Shelf

    Random Trivia

    Anatomy- How Many bones does the human body have? 206. Science: what's the planet farthest from the sun?
  15. Miss Shelf

    buying by blurbs

    I don't believe blurbs. What do you call the inside of a dust jacket that describes what the book is about? I've called that a blurb, too.
  16. Miss Shelf

    Random Trivia

    Literature: Who penned: "Neither a borrower nor lender be"? (Can't think of a hard one) Shakespeare? Literature: name the Seven Dwarfs.
  17. Miss Shelf

    Ever walk out of a movie?

    I watched the first 15 minutes of "Napoleon Dynamite" and turned it off. Same with "Anchorman".
  18. Miss Shelf

    Had a man done this, would things be different?

    well, men don't suffer from postpartum psychosis, so I suppose it would be harder to work up sympathy for a man, and he'd most likely get at least life in prison if not death. I don't see what reason a man would have to murder his five children, unless it was a case where "if I can't have the...
  19. Miss Shelf

    Lost: Season 2

    Sweeps months are when the networks find out how many people are watching their shows. February, May, August and November. November and February are the most important. Last year my house was chosen to participate in the Nielsen ratings, but I think we did a piss-poor job of it, the forms to...
  20. Miss Shelf

    Lost: Season 2

    I was disappointed it was a repeat last night, February sweeps has begun, hasn't it? They made us wait forever for a new episode, threw us a couple new ones then we're back to repeats. I'm not that "into" it, and this isn't endearing the show to me.