Miss Shelf
New Member
I was thinking about how many people I'm tired of hearing about all the time and how nice it would be to be able to ship them off to Mars for a few years at least. They would be straitjacketed and hockey-masked like Hannibal Lecter and wheeled on a dolly into the space ship. Only after the door is locked would they be released to sit in their seats. Guards would be present with stun guns in case of passengers trying to escape before takeoff.
Here's my list (subject to additions):
-Jennifer Aniston (every time I turn around there's a magazine cover featuring her and her "new life", so I'll give her another "new life")
-Saddam Hussein (no comment needed)
-Paris Hilton
-Britney Spears
-Bode Miller (every time I turn on the Olympics there's an interview with him, a previous interview, or predictions on how he'll do in his next event)
-the crazy neighbor who doesn't like my dog sitting at the fence "watching" her
-Dr. Phil
-Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes
Here's my list (subject to additions):
-Jennifer Aniston (every time I turn around there's a magazine cover featuring her and her "new life", so I'll give her another "new life")
-Saddam Hussein (no comment needed)
-Paris Hilton
-Britney Spears
-Bode Miller (every time I turn on the Olympics there's an interview with him, a previous interview, or predictions on how he'll do in his next event)
-the crazy neighbor who doesn't like my dog sitting at the fence "watching" her
-Dr. Phil
-Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes