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Search results

  1. mawilliams

    The Future Happens Twice

    I don’t often read science fiction novels, but this debut novel by Matt Browne really captured my attention. “The Future Happens Twice” is about a secret government program to send frozen embryos on a 42,000-year voyage to an earth-like planet orbiting a star eighty-two light years from earth...
  2. mawilliams


    He sits cross-legged. His painted face Is glowing from the fire. His bow and arrows in their place; To hunt is his desire. A savage say some, yet, like me, A fully human soul, Descended from my ancestry. If he knew, he'd find his goal. It was our task to spread the Word, God's...
  3. mawilliams

    What Am I?

    When first did man with human eye, When drinking from a brook, Perceive his image in the sky? When first stooped he to look? What thoughts of his surpassed the brute? What made him change to man? What evolutionary root Be traced since time began? Was mankind really always man? I...
  4. mawilliams


    Have you heard of Velikovsky? Chances are you've not. He wrote a new cosmology. He challenged what was taught. His books proposed a fresh new look Of how we view our world. He clashed with those who took Offense that he unfurled Such doubt on what they thought, and yet; More right...
  5. mawilliams

    Anonymous: A Woman in Berlin

    Hello Fantansy Moon, I recently finished reading this book. I think it's exceptionally good. It gives one an idea what really happened (at least to one person) when Berlin was conquered. I was introduced to this book by "beer good," who started this thread. His excellent book review...
  6. mawilliams

    Revelation: Carl Jung's Thoughts

    Carl Gustav Jung's work is highly respected by people of all faiths. His technique for treating psychological disorders permeates many Christian outreaches helping people. I recently researched commentaries on Revelation for a book I was writing and came across Carl Jung's "Answer to Job,"...
  7. mawilliams


    She told me of a little ridge That passed beneath a street. She met with friends beneath the bridge, A secret place to meet. A stream of water flowed between Two shady hills of earth, A place where they would not be seen Expressing youthful mirth. The sweet, dear innocence of youth...
  8. mawilliams

    Message to Extraterrestrials

    We fly a plaque through outer space, Engraved for all to see. A message from our earthly place Addressed "Infinity." If you be there, we be here; Our arms, our legs, our sex In mathematic code so clear No need for written text. Are angels there, as we've been told, To guard...
  9. mawilliams


    Do you like to dance to a joyful tune, Like an old country dance in the month of June? Where you clap your hands and you holler and you skip, And you twirl with a girl in a billowy slip? Or, perhaps, you would like to be dancing more slowly, While violins and cellos are hauntingly played...
  10. mawilliams

    Hello! I'm new.

    Newbie Maurice Williams I do read a lot. My favorite author is Michael D. O'Brien. I especially like his "Father Elijah," but I read a lot of authors, and I read a lot of non-fiction. Non-fiction books I really liked are "A Brief History of Time" and "Pharaohs and Kings." I review books...
  11. mawilliams

    Anonymous: A Woman in Berlin

    A Woman in Berlin: a Diary Hello Again, I looked into Amazon and The Internet and found out a lot I didn't know about this book and its author. I remember reading about the rapes in "Reader's Digest" right after the war. I was a young kid then, but I never forgot the image of soldiers...
  12. mawilliams

    Anonymous: A Woman in Berlin

    A Very Good Book Review Hello Beer Good, I thought I'd look up some of your posts. This is the first one I read. I was very impressed. You caught my interest right away. You cut right through the political hype that blinds many of us and focused on a human being and what that human being...
  13. mawilliams

    Hello! I'm new.

    Hello, I just posted my first thread "A Yank's First Post" on Writer's Showcase. I hope I did it right. I'm an amateur writer and am trying my hand at writing a book and getting it into reader's attention. I plan to purchase marketing packages, but I heard they are all worthless. So, I...
  14. mawilliams

    A Yank's First Post

    This is my first post. I wrote a book and don’t know how to capture people’s attention. This Website seems attractive to me because I can post excerpts form it and hear what you readers think of it. If you want to comment on it, feel free to say anything you think. If your comments sting...