have you ever been in true love? ----dear, are you naive? don't ask me. i don't know. everyone say there is true love and claim to have one. so who had those FALSE LOVE? and why those who said they had once had true love got divorced?
can you dance?----- nobody around? yes.
can you sing? by vocal? ----wolf's howling is better. (in my heart and mind? yes, beautiful songs. )
can you paint/scuplt/draw?--- draw a bit.
can you play a musical instrument? ---does child's flute count?
are you or anyone you know a vegetarian?---- no
are you or anyone you know on the Atkins diet?------- what the hack is that?
are you or anyone diabetic? no
have you or anyone you know had cancer of any type? yes
are you or have you, ever been on a diet? ---- no, how painful!
have you or anyone you know ever lost more than 50 lbs.? no
are you happy with your weight? --------soso
is your spouse more fit than you?
do you exercise regularly(being few times a week atleast)?--- last time i went to gym, hell, that was last year.
do you eat or like eggs? eat, like it or not?--- so so
do you eat or like tofu? ---same ^
do you eat or like pate'?
do you eat or like caviar?
do you eat or like cream cheese?------- does cheese cake count?
have fun, ladhondas, don't get mad please.
can you dance?----- nobody around? yes.
can you sing? by vocal? ----wolf's howling is better. (in my heart and mind? yes, beautiful songs. )
can you paint/scuplt/draw?--- draw a bit.
can you play a musical instrument? ---does child's flute count?
are you or anyone you know a vegetarian?---- no
are you or anyone you know on the Atkins diet?------- what the hack is that?
are you or anyone diabetic? no
have you or anyone you know had cancer of any type? yes
are you or have you, ever been on a diet? ---- no, how painful!
have you or anyone you know ever lost more than 50 lbs.? no
are you happy with your weight? --------soso
is your spouse more fit than you?
do you exercise regularly(being few times a week atleast)?--- last time i went to gym, hell, that was last year.
do you eat or like eggs? eat, like it or not?--- so so
do you eat or like tofu? ---same ^
do you eat or like pate'?
do you eat or like caviar?
do you eat or like cream cheese?------- does cheese cake count?
have fun, ladhondas, don't get mad please.