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A couple of poems...

Doug Johnson said:
Everything is controversial here. I guess you're never too young to learn that no matter what you write, someone will hate it.

In my opinion, if you write, you're a writer. Why you write, what you hope to accomplish by writing, what you expect people to say about your writing and what you do when they don't, is entirely up to you.

Hey Doug, this isn't a controversy. It's a discussion on a discussion forum. And nobody is saying they hate anything. Your post is inflammatory, for no reason.
muggle said:
Actually, I prefer comparing to the kids peer group. Five yr olds against five yr olds. Thirteen yr olds against thirteen yr olds. comparing a thirteen yr old against a College Graduate somehow doesn't seem cricket to me.:rolleyes:

Since we are talking 'brain" stuff I would think 99.9% of students would fail if you were a language/art teacher of, say, 8th grade students.:rolleyes:

Muggle, I prefer not to compare at all, which is why I would choose my last option as feedback. A person of any age should know there is a whole world of possibility and art out there to aspire to, what it is, and how to shape your life as a contributor. I think part of the problem with education today, by the way, is the notion that if you achieve some limited task well you are being educated, even if you have no idea what the world at large is made of.
Some of this was discussed in:

this thread <-- click it

In post #11 I specifically asked about critiquing a young persons work, and how that should/would/could be handled.

Please don't view this as a "you guys should have done a search on this" type comment. I think there are some interesting comments in the old thread from people other than those who've posted in this thread. That's all. :)
comparing a thirteen yr old against a College Graduate somehow doesn't seem cricket to me.

If the subject was physics or chemistry then of course you can't really compare. But we're not talking about something that is learnt structurally at school. Creativity can be encouraged but it is unlikely that it can be taught. And it's creative talent we are talking about here - a fourteen year old can certainly write something better than a forty-one year old.
I again agree with Stewart. (I might need to go see a psyche now) Writing isn't learned; it's created. If you are creative, then writing will be easier (not easy, though) than it would for someone who has no creativity in their soul. It's how you get it down on paper, not how old you are. That is one of the worst things about our society. We think that kids can't do things as well as adults. In most cases, yes; but in this case, and in many others, that is a definite no. Each person has a unique ability, and no matter their age, if they are very good at it, they can easily beat out somebody with many more years under their belt.

Can we get back to the poems? I forgot what they were about.
Stewart said:
You are comparing physical stuff with brain stuff. That's never going to work (except for you, obviously).

I think that some day you could be a half decent writer. I base my opinion at least in part on your age. Am I wrong?