New Member
So I don't know if you guys are gonna get mad at me for this or if its in the right place but I have just finished my first novel (not offering it or even mentioning a title as I am not in anyway advertising my book at all to anyone lol) and while writing it I have been thinking a lot about the books I love. Growing up my favourite books were the Harry Potter series, they gave me an escape from everyday life. I did a survey before writing my book to give me an indication of what my target audience likes (although like most writers I mainly write what I like to read, I did think it a good idea to see if others shared my opinion). Now I have re written my old questions just to see how people feel again I suppose. I feel like a petulant child constantly asking why but it’s one of my favourite things to know why people like what they like. I don’t necessarily want you to write a massive essay (unless you want to like I said I love reading these things) but just an insight in to other peoples reading would be great. Obviously the questions pertain to my preferred genre which is fantasy but if you have insights from other genres you never know when it comes to editing they may help too.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to read through the questions and answer them.
Much love
1. Age group?
2. Last time you read a novel/series of novels? What was it/were they?
3. Favourite Book?
4. Favourite character in book? (any, not just your favourite)
5. Do you prefer series books or individual stories
6. Favourite types of creature in books?
7. What is your opinion on romance in fantasy fiction stories, (ie twilight is supposed to be a love story or Harry and Ginny’s/Ron and Hermione’s love in the HP books) Does romance have a place in these styles of book?
8. Do you enjoy a characters backstory or faced paced action with backstory throughout?
9. Hero or Heroine?
10. Male or female baddies?
11. Magic or just good old fashioned medieval adventure?
12. Set back in time or modern?
13. Made up lands or real places?
14. How do you feel about the deaths of main characters in books?
15. Generally when looking for something to read how do you choose?
16. How important is the front cover to your decision?
(Despite the saying we all know if a book has an interesting cover we will at least read the blurb)
Thanks again and have a lovely day!!
Sorry if this is in the wrong place am just really after some interesting answers
Thanks in advance for taking the time to read through the questions and answer them.
Much love
1. Age group?
- < 13
- 13 – 18
- 18 -30
- 30 +
2. Last time you read a novel/series of novels? What was it/were they?
3. Favourite Book?
4. Favourite character in book? (any, not just your favourite)
5. Do you prefer series books or individual stories
6. Favourite types of creature in books?
- Pirates
- Witches
- Angels
- Demons
- Humans
- Mix (a varied mix of clans of creature types)
- Other (please state)
7. What is your opinion on romance in fantasy fiction stories, (ie twilight is supposed to be a love story or Harry and Ginny’s/Ron and Hermione’s love in the HP books) Does romance have a place in these styles of book?
8. Do you enjoy a characters backstory or faced paced action with backstory throughout?
9. Hero or Heroine?
10. Male or female baddies?
11. Magic or just good old fashioned medieval adventure?
12. Set back in time or modern?
13. Made up lands or real places?
14. How do you feel about the deaths of main characters in books?
15. Generally when looking for something to read how do you choose?
16. How important is the front cover to your decision?
(Despite the saying we all know if a book has an interesting cover we will at least read the blurb)
Thanks again and have a lovely day!!

Sorry if this is in the wrong place am just really after some interesting answers
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