Is there such a thing, or am I the only sufferer? I often get so excited about reading a book or other piece of material, that I can't actually concentrate and read it. Tonight is a great example, I have my Wall Street Journal and my Barron's and everytime I pick them up to read them I lose my concentration and my mind starts whirling in anticipation of the knowledge I am about to gain. I may start pacing the floor, or I may start daydreaming about future conversations about the material I'm reading now and how smart I will appear when I start shooting off my mouth on the smoking patio of my favorite cocktail lounge. Now, eventually I will get them read, (well it's late and I'm drinking wine, so if I don't get drunk I will read them), but why do I need to calm myself down in order to read? This isn't new, I've done this my whole life, as far back as elementary school. Sometimes it even affected my grades. I have never heard of anybody else in this same situation.