I have a number of turtles. Yesterday I was busy as I set up an aquarium for a number of baby red-ears. One of the aide's at my son's school was asking about a baby turtle, and I had told her that I don't expect to see any until May or June. Well, my brother came by yesterday, went outside to smoke, and came in with a baby red-ear. Well, I knew that they do not hatch in singles, so I was alert when I stepped out to my turtle yard. I saw a little swimmer in my big pool, and went in after it. Since I was wet, I went looking for the nest, and ended up finding almost a dozen.
I have the yard on one side of my house set up for my turtles. I have a male/female pair of red-ears which produce a number of babies each year. I have a half-dozen male/female three-toed box turtles. These are the ones most often found 'engaged,' but also the breed of turtles that I have the most problem getting babies (then getting them to survive). I have a snapper (my big pool was built to keep a couple of 40+ pounders, although the one I have is still under ten pounds). I have been attempting to establish some mud turtles, but the snapper has been eating them so I am presently planning a small-turtle area (there is a three-legged survivor still out in the turtle yard, and two others now living inside with an Asian Box).
I raise these animals purely out of love. Most of my babies are given away, but some years I have had so many that I was looking for things to do with them and some stores have given me credit for them.