New Member
Hey, fellow readers!
I'm a recovering book hermit turned student and actor, whose busier life leaves less time for reading than he'd like, and who sometimes makes wild logorrheac stabs at writing that occasionally become poems. Even more rarely, they're worth showing to other people, and that's the main reason I'm here--to get commentary and feedback (good but more importantly bad, as criticism helps me improve) on my poetry.
I'm cheerfully cynical, my sense of humor is like a mixed drink--combining something as dry as vodka with something as tart and silly as grapefruit juice--and I talk way too much (and in the eyes of the Southerns among which I live, too fast). My endless amusement with the insanity of living doesn't usually come across in my writing, because more extreme emotions drive me to put pen to paper. I'm a sucker for natural imagery, especially wind and clouds, and I love dancing and all that it means.
To complete the personal-ad tone of that, I also enjoy candlelight dinners and long walks on the beach. And puppies. *grin*
I'm a recovering book hermit turned student and actor, whose busier life leaves less time for reading than he'd like, and who sometimes makes wild logorrheac stabs at writing that occasionally become poems. Even more rarely, they're worth showing to other people, and that's the main reason I'm here--to get commentary and feedback (good but more importantly bad, as criticism helps me improve) on my poetry.
I'm cheerfully cynical, my sense of humor is like a mixed drink--combining something as dry as vodka with something as tart and silly as grapefruit juice--and I talk way too much (and in the eyes of the Southerns among which I live, too fast). My endless amusement with the insanity of living doesn't usually come across in my writing, because more extreme emotions drive me to put pen to paper. I'm a sucker for natural imagery, especially wind and clouds, and I love dancing and all that it means.
To complete the personal-ad tone of that, I also enjoy candlelight dinners and long walks on the beach. And puppies. *grin*