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Adventure classics


New Member
Hi, I want to read some great adventure classics! Can I have some recommendations :)

I have read Treasure Island and plan to read 20,000 leauges under the sea

Any others that you can think of recomending to me? I was thinking of looking into Last of the mohicans.

Thanks in advance.
The Count of Monte Cristo, Gulliver's Travels, Robinson Crusoe, The Three Musketeers.

Have fun.

Last of the Mohicans is bobbins. It's soooo very boring. Don't do it mister.

The Count of Monte Cristo should definitely be added to your list. The Borribles is very adventuresome, though not quite a classic. Same with Captain Bluebear. They're both excellent adventure stories and shouldn't be ignored because of their youthful good looks.

I also adored Swallows and Amazons. Not quite piratical, but nearly as good. Set in an age where kiddies were still allowed to play out.

How about King Solomon's Mines, or The Prisoner of Zenda? Haven't read them yet, but they're on my to do list along with The Three Musketeers.

Edit: Curses. Martin snuck in while I was typing.
Litany said:
Last of the Mohicans is bobbins. It's soooo very boring. Don't do it mister.

The Count of Monte Cristo should definitely be added to your list. The Borribles is very adventuresome, though not quite a classic. Same with Captain Bluebear. They're both excellent adventure stories and shouldn't be ignored because of their youthful good looks.

I also adored Swallows and Amazons. Not quite piratical, but nearly as good. Set in an age where kiddies were still allowed to play out.

How about King Solomon's Mines, or The Prisoner of Zenda? Haven't read them yet, but they're on my to do list along with The Three Musketeers.

Edit: Curses. Martin snuck in while I was typing.

Not familiar with Zender or the mines but will check them out, thanks :)
SillyWabbit said:
Not familiar with Zender or the mines but will check them out, thanks :)

But there are so many films about them. They may not be piratical, but they should certainly buckle your swash.
Never could get used to Richard Chamberlain playing Allan Quatermain - but then again, Sean Connery didn't do too good either.

Mysterious Island - Jules Verne
Timeline - Michael Crichton
The Once and Future King - T.H. White
Master and Commander - Patrick O'brian
We Were Soldiers Once… And Young - Lt. Gen. Harold G. Moore
Sapper41 said:
Litany have you read Pirate Hunter by Richard Zack?
I haven't. Is it about people hunting pirates, or pirates hunting booty? Are pirates harmed? I don't like to think about pirates being harmed. Unless they're scurvy bilge rats. Is it about scurvy bilge rats?
It's about Captain William Kidd, who was commisioned as a Privateer/ Pirate hunter, but was hung for supposedley turning Pirate himself.
Sapper41 said:
It's about Captain William Kidd, who was commisioned as a Privateer/ Pirate hunter, but was hung for supposedley turning Pirate himself.

They all go native in the end. No one can resist the pirate life for long. The wind in your head, the grog in your belly, the parrot on your shoulder. Arrrrr. Maybe Wabbit can add it to his adventure list and then let me know if I'd find it too upsetting to read.
Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne
The Lost World by Arthur Conan Doyle

And, I suppose, the Tarzan novels by Edgar Rice Burroughs.
I'll second the recommendation of H. Rider Haggard's King Solomon's Mines, but don't forget that he wrote plenty of other books in the adventure genre. They are very much of their time and place (Victorian England) but great fun nonetheless.
SillyWabbit said:
Hi, I want to read some great adventure classics! Can I have some recommendations :)

I have read Treasure Island and plan to read 20,000 leauges under the sea

Any others that you can think of recomending to me? I was thinking of looking into Last of the mohicans.

Thanks in advance.
Try Peter Pan! Thats a classic and its a good adventure :p
What? I can scarce believe it! No JOHN BUCHAN as of yet!

The Richard Hannay books are wonderful classic adventure stories, real enjoyable yarns. The Thirty-Nine Steps and The Three Hostages are my personal favourites, but Greenmantle's also well worth a read.
Martin said:
The Count of Monte Cristo, Gulliver's Travels, Robinson Crusoe, The Three Musketeers.

King Solomon's Mines (already mentioned somewhere else)
The graphic novel version of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (as a pose to the crappy film)
20 Years After
Les Miserables
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
The Prince and the Pauper
Quentin Durward
The Black Arrow
Les Liasons Dangeraux
Captain Blood
Scarlet Pimpernel
The Hornblower Series (yes it's not that brilliant but anyway...)
Don Quixote (though it isn't the easiest to read)
Thanks Themistocles! Good suggestions

and mega thanks Fluffy bunny! Lots to get though there, some great suggestions too!

Les Liasons Dangeraux <-- Sounds interesting. I don't know what it is, but the title sounds great lol :)