Since the 7th book came out (actually, the whole time I was waiting for the 6th and 7th book) I coulnd't find anything good to read. I'll read any type of book but I always seemed to be more into fantasy. So I tried Robert Jordan, the wheel of time series and couldn't get past Chapter 2 but I just came back from the library and decided to give him another shot. If I can remember correctly, the reason why I couldn't get past Chapter 2 was, well....I hate reading 20 pages on someone's clothes, armor, the castle, the house, their hair, with either no dialogue at all or there's one or two sentences. It seems like every fantasy book I pick is like this and it really makes me miss JK Rowling and her style. Another book I really enjoyed was Ender's Game (just trying to give you guys an idea of what I like). So does anyone have any recommendations for me? It doesn't have to be fantasy, it could be non-fiction, mystery (another type of genre I really like), anything. I miss when I had a good book to read or looked forward to reading.