Oh really?
Then why is it you are the only western country not to allow gay marriage? What happened to everybody equal?
Why is it you are the only country in the western world that has not seperated church and state?
Why is it that you are the only country in the western world to STILL have the death penalty? Oh yeah, very tollrent. Let's kill them.
I could go on with endless lists of things. I have been to America personally, many many many times. More times than you can imagine

And not just as a tourist either. I find that I like America and I like Americans but one thing you are NOT is free compared to the EU!!! I find there are SO many rules for things that I can't do that it's just crazy. I mean, you might think its a small thing but I want to be able to go open a bottle of wine and sit on the grass in public. You can't EVEN do such a small thing

and enjoy the sunshine!