Sun-SSS said:
I still can't get my head around the idea that the opposite of peace is not war but oppression. I can see that oppression can lead to war, and that such a war may be justified. Necessary, even. I'm not a dedicated pacifist. I just have trouble discarding the assumption that war is the opposite of peace. A semantic debate, I guess, but semantics has its place in debate. It has to do with the meanings of words; and without clear meanings words would be pretty useless things. I am taking it that the marquis seriously meant what he/she said, and was not just putting in a throw-away line to demonstrate cleverness.
I hope you don't mind me jumping in... I'm not familiar with this quote, but from what I gather, the expression assumes all existence can be lumped into two states, peace and oppression. Peace and oppression have no overlapping areas, so one would be the complement (or opposite) of the other. War would be another state, but war would be a sub-state of oppression. If you've ever had any set theory, you can think of Venn diagrams. It's one way of looking at it. Basically, you don't have to be at war to not be at peace. Please let me know if I've helped or only made the situation worse.
Sun-SSS said:
Someone above claimed that humans need war. A natural need, built into us. What a depressing thought. Especially now that the world has enough weapons of mass destruction to destroy itself three times over.
Well, we NEED conflict. It's just where the conflict is directed. During war, it's directed toward an enemy. During peace, we fight amongst ourselves. Have you ever noticed how someone who had everything growing up acts? (Please note that what you are about to read is a stereotype, but one that everyone has witnessed.) A lot of the time, they will create a conflict by being a drama queen or being extremely deviant. Why? It's just in us. If everything's going good in your life, what do you do? Talk about the neighbors. Talk about your family.
See, a lot of the people complaining about not having enough freedom may not be considering what ultimate freedom would be like. No government would be chaos. You wouldn't be able to kill your food and eat it comfortably because you'd be worried about the tribe next door coming over to steal it. could go on forever. I'll stop though.
However, as in the 10th ammendment to that great and disputed document, the Constitution of the United States of America says, whatever powers are not delegated to the government are delegated by default to the people. In other words, the government is only as strong as you make it. The government's intervention into your life is only as strong as you allow it to be. So, every time your congressman/representative votes for a new bill to provide any form of support to the people or to prevent people from making their own choices, we set a precedent that "it's the government's responsibility." "Hey, the government should provide a little food... more food, ...all food. Then they should provide homes too... and health care... and... and..." And we can't provide for ourselves. Finally, the government is in control, and we might as well have a tyrant instead of a democracy.
Sorry for the doom and gloom outlook. I'm actually a happy person.

Just do me a favor, if you're a US citizen. Check out the Libertarian Party.