How interesting, the etymology of Mass. From childhood on I found it a curious term, but never made inquiry into it's origins. The Greeks says Liturgy, which comes from "ourgos" (work,doing,act) [on behalf of the] "laos" (laity, people, mass of persons gathered). Both words have the notion of a gathering or congregation, which of course resembles synagoge (from the Greek sunagein, to bring together) and also ekklesia/eccliastic
from ecclesia: In ancient Greek states a political assembly of the citizens, esp. at Athens, from ek, which denotes origin and could be independently translated from, and kaleo (καλέω), meaning to call or bid.
The origin of the word "church" is less certain. Although the exact etymology of the word “church” is far from certain, some Bible dictionaries and commentaries suggest that it came to be used for the ekklesia because it is thought that early believers may have met in a circle (see following). However, that concept is highly suspect because if one correctly understands that the believers met in synagogues until far after the end of the first century, there is nothing specific in synagogue worship that lends itself to the concept of a circle, unless it refers to Davidic dance, which is generally performed in a circle.
According to some other dictionaries, the modern English word “church” is supposedly derived from the Middle English word chirche or kirke, which in turn is derived from the Greek word kyriakos, which is said to mean “belonging to the Lord.” However, the strongest evidence against that position is simply that the word kirke is far more ancient than Christianity, and was originally derived from the name of the pagan sun-goddess Circe, whose priests and priestesses gathered in a “circle” to worship her (hence the source of the word “circle”).
Still other dictionaries and commentaries suggest that the word “church” it is derived from the Teutonic kirk or kirche, which is a circle of trees that was used for human sacrifices (again related to Circe-worship). Since the “church” as we know it today owes most of its form to its Roman Catholic ancestor, perhaps the best explanation is that the word “church” apparently actually refers to the “inner circle” of the Babylonian Mystery Religion (closely related to the Teutonic kirk in both form and function).