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what annoyances and pet hates do you have?

Here is mine: This really irritates me! When I am reading a book and somebody comes up to me and starts a full blown conversation. I just feel this is rude and incondiderate! I wouldn't go up to somebody that is doing something, reading or some other thing, and interrupt them! I might say hello to them or make some simple small talk but I would never try to enage them in a full conversation. I would wait until they are done with whatever they are doing!

The other thing is that when somebody asks to see your book and they bend the book ALL the way open. Grrrr :)

What's yours? :D
Let me start by saying I know I am being unreasonable but it really really annoys me when I am on the train to/from work and two people insist on talking absolute crap really loudly right next to me. I can't concentrate on my book and end up reading the same paragraph over and over again. Talking should not be allowed on trains!! :mad:
oooh..i totally agree with both of the above annoyances.
i also feel the need to add that i get seriously irritated when people point out things that are really obvious, like: "wow do you two ever look alike" (my son and i, do ya think?) or "you have your tongue pierced!" (no way, really....how ever did that happen?)
it just seems that sometimes people talk to hear themselves speak, and i just wish they would come up with something original, or nothing at all would be fine.
also i go nuts when people dont stop for pedestrians at crosswalks. and when people are habitually late. its just disrespectful.
all right. that'll do for a rant for this morning.
My mother does nearly all these things. If I'm reading a book, she will talk loudly. If I go to the other room to read, she follows me in, still talking. She and her friends often engage in loud conversations in inappropriate places. And she says really obvious things, often repeatedly.

I love the woman, but it's good that she lives an hour and a half away, you know?

She is punctual. Sadly, I have a lateness problem myself. :eek: Generally, though, it's Wolf's fault.
I hear ya!!! A person would get annoyed if you suddenly turned off the tv (hung up the phone for them, whatever), so don't interrupt me when I'm reading! Frequently, DH will ask me a question about something he's watching on tv while I am sitting in bed next to him reading. Of course I don't know, I was reading! One night I even snapped at him pretty harshly :eek: But it was a good book!
Sillywabbit and Lyra, those are my two biggies! Happen all the time and drive me nuts. I don't mind if someone interrupts me to talk about books or the book I'm reading, but 9/10 it's something insipid and trivial.

Another pet peeve is phone solicitors who call me during dinnertime. I hate the calls in general, but it's incredibly rude (not to mention stupid, as I'm less likely to be nice) during dinner.
I agree with you, I hate someone interupt me while I read a good book. Also I bring my book to work and deceide to read it at lunchtime. My plan was ruined cos someone want me to sort the problems out, do paperwork etc. Sometimes someone watched tv, it affect me cos I end up watched tv and lost my concentrate to read book. Grrrrr.
I don't mind if someone wants to talk next to me or watch tv. I can tune out noise quite well. Even my kids are learning that if they just quietly stand by my elbow, I will stop reading in a moment and see what they need. I suppose they got tired of getting snapped at, too :eek: ? I'm not a bad mom, really.
I know what you mean about being interrupted while reading, though it rarely happens to me. In fact, I do most of my reading at work specifically to discourage people from talking to me. For whatever reason, it seems to work pretty well.
My biggest book related pet peeves: people who use books as coasters (may result in an immediate and total freak-out on my part), and people who keep their place by putting a book "face down" thereby cracking the spine.
I hate when people interrupt my reading, too. I've also always hated pictures. I like to use my own imagination.
AH! Seems I hit a nerve here! :)

Why DO people feel they can just interrupt you when you are reading? I supposes it says something about the day and age we are living in.

This happened to me recently. I was went out to have my lunch in the sunshine and read my book but was constantly interrupted and had to stop reading and leave! Grrrr :D
cajunmama said:
I suppose they got tired of getting snapped at
:D Sounds like me, I'm forever snapping at Phil when he comes to bother me whilst im reading :p
I hate it when my eyes give up half way through a good book. So i have to stop reading unless i want to end up with red, itchy eyes the next morning. Darn those pesky eyes! I gave them glasses to look through, what more do they want!

Amy :D
This is a pet peeve, though it's also a good thing...

When I'm reading and I start falling asleep. It happens to me at different times of the day and I just have to get up and walk around for a while before I can read again. It's especially annoying first thing in the morning. I just woke up! Why am I falling asleep again?!

It's a good thing at night though since I have a hard time falling asleep sometimes. If I'm having trouble, I'll just read for a while and I'm out.
SillyWabbit said:
what book annoyances and pet hates do you have?

What's yours? :D

A cat named patric, who kept coming to annoy me when I was reading, or watching a moive, or cooking,..... :( :mad: