what annoyances and pet hates do you have?
Here is mine: This really irritates me! When I am reading a book and somebody comes up to me and starts a full blown conversation. I just feel this is rude and incondiderate! I wouldn't go up to somebody that is doing something, reading or some other thing, and interrupt them! I might say hello to them or make some simple small talk but I would never try to enage them in a full conversation. I would wait until they are done with whatever they are doing!
The other thing is that when somebody asks to see your book and they bend the book ALL the way open. Grrrr
What's yours?
Here is mine: This really irritates me! When I am reading a book and somebody comes up to me and starts a full blown conversation. I just feel this is rude and incondiderate! I wouldn't go up to somebody that is doing something, reading or some other thing, and interrupt them! I might say hello to them or make some simple small talk but I would never try to enage them in a full conversation. I would wait until they are done with whatever they are doing!
The other thing is that when somebody asks to see your book and they bend the book ALL the way open. Grrrr
What's yours?