New Member
Hey Sword,
Thanks for your enthusiasm, it's very kind of you. I'll pop in and chat every now and then, summer will be a slow-down period for me and I'm looking forward to doing some more writing once the school year ends (I'm an English (go figure) teacher until this book thing picks up).
Why'd I pick fantasy to write? Because I can't write what I wouldn't enjoy reading! I've been a reader all my life. Ever since my dad read me The Hobbit and The Chronicles of Narnia when I was 5 or 6 I've been hooked on Fantasy, then I saw Star Wars and since then I can't decide between sci-fi and fantasy, I love 'em both. Right now I'd say the authors that inspire me the most are David Eddings and Terry Brooks, Margaret Weis too, but not the DragonLance novels... the shorter series. Fantasy is in desperate need of shorter series: trilogies, stand alone's, etc.
I was home from college one summer and my dad challenged me to write him an "adventure tale" that he could read out loud to my family. He told me he wanted 10 pages a day, and that I needed to finish the story by the end of summer. I've come to believe that that's the challenge that every young writer needs. I've even challenged one of my friends who wants to write and make movies to write and finish a screen play this year. It's not the money that drives you, it's the audience. The thing that helped me write and keep writing was my family's desperate plea for, as Oliver Twist said, "More." Every night they would read their ten pages and then order me to go back to the computer and write them more story. Whether or not the first draft was good, that was the motivation I needed, and what kept me going ever since. The Dragon's Eye is the first in a trilogy that is finished and that I am planning on editing and publishing in the next two years. I have a sci-fi that I'm currently in the middle of writing, and another fantasy stand-alone that I've got ideas and plans for that I'll probably start this summer.
Advice for anyone who wants to be a writer... WRITE! Even if your first draft doesn't turn out the way you want, WRITE. Write stories and finish them, edit them, have your friends and family and acquaintences read them. Find people that you sort of know who like to read but aren't obligated to tell you that what you've written is good, and keep writing.
Heheh, anyway, that's my longwinded answer to some of your questions. Thanks again for your encouraging words.
God bless,
Jenelle <><