Jen, Katie, and Ian had a conversation about kicking Tom off, if Tom lost immunity. Then after Tom won, they all basically sat Jen down and told her she was next to get kicked off. Tom says he’s honoring his alliance to Ian and Katie and he’s not changing his position that he’s had since day one. Ian could have kept his mouth shut and the game would have been kinda dull. But then stupid Ian says in front of everybody, “Boy, I’m glad you won Tom, cause if I had to make that decision I don’t think it would have been so easy for me.” (paraphrased) Tom’s ears pricked up big time. Jen never said anything until her and Tom were off by themselves and she let the cat out of the bag about the Jen, Katie, Ian get rid of Tom talk. Tom decides to confront Ian about it right then and there. Ian basically had his jewels hung out for Tom to cut off. Ian tried to play it off as just “game talk”, but Tom would hear none of that.
I assume you saw the final immunity challenge with Ian giving away any chance for a million just to save face with Tom. You saw that right, Jenn?
almost 12 hours of standing on a little metal ring. God-damn that was amazing.
Can someone please tell me where Tom “compromised his morals” so badly that at least half the jury seemed like they wanted to cut his throat? Yeah, he had to vote people off to survive, but I don’t remember him out and out lying or playing "Johnny Fairplay" or anything. Did I miss something? I think Tom played about as honest as a guy can play and make it to the final two.
What did Tom do that he deserved that kind of backlash?