Rama II is the sequel to Rendezvous with Rama. Clarke always maintained that the final sentence in Rendezvous with Rama
was not to imply a sequel but there ended up being three sequels. He probbaly should have stopped with Rendezvous.
Rama II takes place 70 years after the events in Rendezvous. Following the original Rama flyby and exploration, Earth enjoyed a surge in commercialism and growth followed by a devastating economic depression that essentially left the world technologically stagnant. When Rama II is detected, mankind is once again exploring space and assembles a team of 12 individuals to explore the giant craft. Rama II is more about exploring the characters' motivations and secrets than it is about describing the wonders held within Rama.
I wasn't completely disappointed with the story but I was left the feeling of "is that all?" that I had after I finished the third book in Orson Scott Card's Ender series. I know I probably should not read the next two books: Garden of Rama and Rama Revealed but my need for closure will end up compelling me to read them.

The Ramans do everything in threes.
was not to imply a sequel but there ended up being three sequels. He probbaly should have stopped with Rendezvous.
Rama II takes place 70 years after the events in Rendezvous. Following the original Rama flyby and exploration, Earth enjoyed a surge in commercialism and growth followed by a devastating economic depression that essentially left the world technologically stagnant. When Rama II is detected, mankind is once again exploring space and assembles a team of 12 individuals to explore the giant craft. Rama II is more about exploring the characters' motivations and secrets than it is about describing the wonders held within Rama.
I wasn't completely disappointed with the story but I was left the feeling of "is that all?" that I had after I finished the third book in Orson Scott Card's Ender series. I know I probably should not read the next two books: Garden of Rama and Rama Revealed but my need for closure will end up compelling me to read them.