Here we go.
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How long after death will your nails & hair stop growing?
They don't - after you die, your body starts to dry out creating the illusion that your hair and nails are still growing.
Who "discovered" popcorn?
As it turns out, folks have been popping corn for thousands of years. In fact, archeologists discovered some very stale popcorn in New Mexico that was about 4,000 years old. Popcorn was very important to the Aztecs, who not only ate it but used it as decoration in their religious ceremonies. And during World War II, when sugar was rationed in the U.S., popcorn became a popular substitute for candy.
The folklore of some Native American tribes told of spirits who lived inside each kernel of popcorn. The spirits were quiet and content to live on their own -- but grew angry if their houses were heated. The hotter their homes became, the angrier they'd get -- shaking the kernels until the heat was too much. Finally they would burst out of their homes and into the air as a disgruntled puff of steam.
What are the 5 most widely read books of all time other than the bible (or any religious themed publication) & dictionary or encyclopedia?
I'm not sure, but these are some titles I found:
- Quotations from the Works of Mao Tse-tung (800.000.000 copies sold)
- The Lord of the Rings (Over 100.000.000 copies sold)
- The Diary of Anne Frank (Over 25.000.000 copies sold)
That's all I could find, I couldn't find one conclusive source.
Are there any stats out on how many car accidents are caused per year because the driver was using a cell phone at the time?
It's been estimated that one in 3 now use cell phones, which would account for the increase in cell phone related accidents.
Studies at Harvard estimate 2,600 cell phone related deaths last year. Injuries were approximated at 570,000 and there were well over 1.5 million dollars in property damage caused by cell phone use while driving.
What monitarily is the most valuable work of art?
"Portrait of Dr. Gachet" is quite expensive, at $82,500,000..
.. but ..
.. A 1905 masterpiece by Pablo Picasso,
"Garcon a la Pipe" became the most expensive painting in history, selling at Sotheby's in New York for 104,168,000 dollars to smash the world record for an auctioned art work.
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What is the most popular pie on the planet?
Well, I can't tell you for the entire planet, but ..
.. in an official government poll, the most popular pie in the UK turned out to be the Steak and kidney pie. Over the other side of the world, Australians tend to favour the Pork pie, whilst the Russians still eat more Vodka pie than any other.
What is the biggest pie of ever?
I think it was Denby Dale in Yorkshire that claimed to have made the biggest pie in the world in the 70's.
What is the most pie a pie chuffer ever chuffed in one pie chuffing session?
I honestly do not know.
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Idun - I'll get to your question.
Cheers, Martin