Many, many questions, so this'll be a big post. Here goes, wish me luck.
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Are Moses toeses roses?
I'm not sure, but Moses supposes his toeses are roses.
If the meaning of life is cheese, and the meaning of death is life, does it follow that the meaning of death is cheese?
No, it means that the meaning of life is cheese, and that the meaning of death is life. Nothing more, nothing less.
Therefore should we all be steering clear of our Edam from now on?
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Why are weathermen always wrong when they forecast the weather?
Because they're only pretending. The maps they're showing were drawn by their infant kids, and the predictions they make are all guesses.
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why is the wedding ring placed on your left hand and not your right?
In medieval England, a bridegroom would slide the ring part way up his bride's thumb, index and middle finger, saying "In the name of the father, the son, and the holy ghost" as he passed each one. He then put the ring on the next available finger - the third finger of the left hand. This practice was finally formalized in the 1500's when Henry VIII's son authored The Book of Common Prayer, which gives English modern Protestant wedding vows and decrees on which finger our wedding rings should go.
why is the sky blue?
Blue light gets scattered (spread) around much more (about 10 times more) than all the other colours from the sun. This is because blue has a shorter wavelength. This causes the sky to appear blue.
Actually, violet has the shortest wavelength of all colours. Violet is scattered even more than blue light. However, our eyes are much more sensitive to see blue than violet, therefore we see the sky as blue.
The popularity of this novel was the deciding factor in the conquest of the Anglo-Saxon language (which would evolve into modern English) over Anglo-Norman (which would be part of modern French) after the Norman Conquest in England. Name it
Of the top of my head,
'The Canterbury Tales', by the father of the English Language, Geoffrey Chaucer? Or his
'Parlaiment of Foules'?
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Knowze Gungk:
Which family of quadruped, does not have a gall-bladder?
Some animals have a gall-bladder up against the liver, and some don't. The deer is an example of a quadruped which has none: other examples are the roe, the horse, the mule, the ass, and some kinds of pig.
What is the metric unit of weight?
This question isn't very clear to me, but I assume you are talking about kilograms. If not, let me know.
How many different types of basic machines are there?
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I'll ignore the first three questions.
How long is a piece of string?
A piece of string is mostly three inches long. Anything less than three inches is a strand, suitable merely for knots. Most string is longer than three inches and all of that is three inches long as well.
Double the length it was when folded in half.
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Which animal is the smallest in the world?
This is more complex than you'd imagine. I'll first classify the term 'animal'.
An animal is an organized living being endowed with sensation and the power of voluntary motion, and also characterized by taking its food into an internal cavity or stomach for digestion; by giving carbonic acid to the air and taking oxygen in the process of respiration; and by increasing in motive power or active aggressive force with progress to maturity.
Any of a kingdom (Animalia) of living things including many-celled organisms and often many of the single-celled ones (as protozoans) that typically differ from plants in having cells without cellulose walls, in lacking chlorophyll and the capacity for photosynthesis, in requiring more complex food materials (as proteins), in being organized to a greater degree of complexity, and in having the capacity for spontaneous movement and rapid motor responses to stimulation.
- Vertebrates: The big animals.
- Tunicata: Small, marine, invertibrate filter feeding creatures, and potato-shaped doohickeys that attach to boat hulls.
- Articulata: Insects, spiders, crustaceans, extinct stuff, etc ...
- Helminthes/Vermes: Worms and smaller marine things.
- Molluscoidea: Moss animals and extinct lamp shells.
- Mollusca: Snails, slugs, clams, squid, etc ...
- Echinodermata: Starfish and sea urchins.
- Coelenterata: Flatworms, jellyfish.
- Spongiozoa: Sponges, considered the most "primative" of the multi-celled animals, but yet still animals.
- Protozoa: Algae, fungi stuff, but see below.
As you can see, "animal" can define a very diverse number of living beings.
Anyway, I think protozoans would be considered the smallest animal,
except that it appears they are no longer considered 'animalia'. I'd guess the next smallest would be from the insect kingdom (which has so many uncharted species finding the smallest would be difficult), or perhaps the sponge.
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Why did my dog's hind leg kick when I scratched him behind his ear?
Because he likes it, and that's how he shows it.
How did Bruce Lee REALLY die?
There are numerous beliefs on how Bruce Lee died. This is an attempt at an unbiased look at the details of how Bruce Lee died, and the numerous different theories on how he died.
The Official Facts of Bruce's Death
- Bruce Lee died of cerebral edema (swelling of the brain tissue).
- Bruce was Visiting Betti Ting-Pei complained of a headache and laid down after taking an epilguesic (home remedy for headaches) .
- Bruce had previously collapsed and amazingly rebounded back fast, he had ingested hashish, and the doctors suspected that he was allergic to it.
- At the autopsy they found traces of marijuana in his system.
- Original cause of death listed as "marijuana poisoning," later changed to "death by misadventure."
The Conspiracy Theories
- Bruce was killed by Chinese Mafia (poisoning, beaten to death, cursed etc.).
- Bruce was killed by the Chinese Gung-fu community (the vibrating palm theory).
- Drug Overdose.
- Lost a Street Fight.
- Didn't die at all, like in his movie Game of Death.
- Murdered by a friend.
- A Curse in the family.
My Conclusion
I believe Bruce Lee died of an allergic reaction to marijuana, which caused his brain to swell to a point that he fell into seizures and then coma and finally death. The facts suggest that had he received the medical care he received the first time he mysteriously fell into a coma, he would still be here today. The Lee family made a mistake by trying to cover up the affair, but at no means does any evidence suggest anything more than that. Bruce Lee's death was such a shock to all humanity, and because of this it made people think that something sinister happened.
Why do the people on the genital herpes commercials always seem so happy?
Because they just had unprotected sex.
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Cheers, Martin