Back to business, yet again.
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What happened to the Neanderthals?
Some say they went extinct, pushed that way by us — modern Homo sapiens, which was already around back then. Others say we interbred with them, and so rather than dying out, we absorbed their genes into our own gene pool — meaning that we all have a little Neanderthal in us.
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What happened to all the snow?
I hate to break it to you, but snow melts ... you know, turns into water? Don't worry, it'll be back, next year.
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Why, when looking at the sun rising or setting, does it appear to be larger than at any other time?
This is an interesting question because there is no universal agreement on the answer. An interesting experiment that you can perform is when you see a large full moon near the horizon, turn around facing away from it. Then bend over and look at the moon between your legs. Most people see it as a normal size.
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Why is the Safety Curtain at the theatre called the Safety Curtain?
Fire Curtain: noun - a fireproof theater curtain to be dropped in case of fire.
Need I say more?
Is is bullet proof?
No. It's fireproof, though.
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My question is, what's the other 49 percent that I've been smoking all these years?
I don't think I really understand that question. Please rephrase.
What's ingested more world-wide, coffee or tea?
Tea is the second most-consumed beverage in the world, right behind water.
Last , where & when did the 1st postage stamp originate ?
Rowland Hill thought up a way to reform the postal system that was currently in use - an impractical system in which the postage, based on weight and distance, was charged to the addressee. He advocated a uniform rate of postage to be paid by the sender instead - using stamps.
As is often the case with inventions, several people claimed to have had the same idea. Yet one thing is certain: Hill, who was later knighted by the queeen, is the one who finally carried the project through. As the universally recognized inventor of the postage stamp, Sir Rowland has since been honored over and over again by postal services throughout the world, in particular on the centenary of his death (1979), the bicentenary of his birth (1995) and the 150th anniversary of the invention of the postage stamp (1990). Among the most beautiful commemorative issues printed on those various occasions are a truly magnificent one from Portugal and others from Chile, Ghana and the United Kingdom.
The first postage stamp thus saw the light of day in England - on 6 May 1840 to be precise. Its name? The Penny Black. Printed in black and white, it bore the profile of Queen Victoria, who was so pleased with her likeness that she had the drawing maintained on all the subsequent issues that were put out of the stamp throughout her sixty-year reign.
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Why is unwanted email called "spam?"
The term "SPAM" was adopted as a result of a Monty Python act in which a group of Vikings sang a chorus of "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM . . . " louder and louder, silencing all other conversation. Unwanted email does the same thing - it is louder than all other conversation on the internet.
Why is there fluff in my belly button??
Michael Biesecker wrote an interesting article on navel fluff in the 19/4/95 edition of Technician, accessed via North Carolina State University library. In it he discusses the widely held belief that navel fluff forms when very tiny pieces of fibre break off the inside of clothing. These tiny fibres gather in the belly button and amalgamate into balls of lint.
Why is the fluff in my belly button ALWAYS blue no matter what colour of clothing that I am wearing???
The colour of navel fluff varies amongst different people. Those who habitually wear clothes of a similar colour tend to produce fluff related to that colour. However, those who wear a variety of colours usually end up with fluff of a grayish blue colour similar to the lint found in the lint filters of clothes driers. This colour is most likely an average of all clothing colours worn.
Where do all my socks go to?
Somehow, they all seem to end up on my doorstep. I reckon you've got an overactive cat running around somewhere.
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My question for you- in which century does the Margit Sandemo's saga begin its plot?
In the 15th century.
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Cheers, Martin