This is a horrible idea.
Imagine that you’re reading an intense, gripping novel, completely immersed in the virtual world it has created inside your own head. A character walks slowly down an old corridor, and suddenly you hear the click click of footsteps on wood. Music swells. And you are knocked completely out of the book and back into the mundane world you usually inhabit.
This is the promise of BookTrack, a startup which brings movie-style soundtracks to the written word. The books are available for the iPhone and iPad (Android coming soon), and come with added ambient effects, spot sound FX and a musical score. The software tracks you as you read (a distracting little widget constantly descends in the margin) and plays the sounds at you in the appropriate places.
Thus, you may hear a clock ticking, music rising to signify a dramatic moment, or the beating heart of a terrified protagonist. Or helicopters.
If you think this sounds distracting, you’re right.