Well, I know I'm in the minority, and may be stalked for years to come by Harry-diehards, but really, though there is some VAGUE sense of good versus evil, its way too mixed. Harry: lies, cheats, disobeys, is disrespectful, among many other things, and then, get rewarded for it. Only teaching that the end justified the means, which in turn teaches kids that it doesn't matter what they do, if its for a good cause, and everything has the happy ending, they won't get in trouble. He is not a good role model. And yes, for all the Harry defenders, I DID read 3 of the books. So there

. But I think kids should be taught what is in them, why the books are wrong, etc. I mean, its pointless telling them "Thats bad so don't read it." Among other things, (many will disagree and I really don't care) Harry Potter DOES promote witchcraft. *oooooo*they all say. Yes, witchcraft is real, and yes, there has been a big increase in it since Harry Potter. JKR herself said that AT LEAST 30% of her books are based on true witchcraft experience, spells, witches, etc. And for everyone saying that they don't really care what their kids read, and etc. Well, parents are supposed to guide their kids, and though I'm still a teen, and not a parent, I do know that much. Books are very powerful. Oh, and here is a link-
I really could go on, but as I've talked about this a lot before I'll stop