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Best book you've read so far in 2008

Just one?

So far it's going to have to be toss ups between The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak, What is the What by Dave Eggars, and Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust by Immaculee Ilibagiza, The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini.

Hmm . . . I see a theme between my favorites this year.
Currently reading Duma Key.

Really trying to like Stephen King, and this book is definitely doing it so far! About 250 pgs in.
I read Everyman earlier this year, and I was really disappointed... It was probably my least favorite Philip Roth book (perhaps beating out The Breast) I'd ever read — and I think it was my fourteenth. The language was flat, and the idea to universalize this human experience through the tale of a hypersexual New Jersey Jew (there's a new one...) with a unique family situation was not a good idea. For the most part, it actually read like somebody was trying to parody Roth.
Best so far and a real surprize: Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. This is a novel set in Nigeria as it comes under colonialism. This is a disaster for traditional tribal ways which the author described firmly, not sentimentally at all.
I'm into Kim by Rudyard Kipling... That writer had a talent: I just open the book, and my room fills in with smells and noises of India...

The language of narration is kind of funny (aside when he switches to Indian English, which is then obvious) - is it old-British, or does Kipling make imitation of something that I simply don't know as I am not a native English speaker?
Special Topics in Calamity Physics by Marisha Pessl. It was such an original read, and the best I've read in a long time.
The best book I've read so far in 2008 is God is Not Great-How Religion Poison's Everything - By Chris Hitchens.

I've also read The Chase-Cussler, The Last Juror-Grisham, Honeymoon-Pattason, and others.
I liked the Road,but then it seem to be the last thing of the moment!
I also got into a frenzy about Richard Stark and read the hunter,the man with a runaway face,the outfit,and the mourner-and keep reading all the Parker serie
I finished a re-read of Anna karenina-and this time did fall in love with her,I did not like her caractere that mutch this time,i find her a bit shallow.Age maybe?
Dark star safari from Paul Theroux in audio and love it,meeting people like mafouz,naipaul,..and a very clever,and clear vision of the situation in African.Not tender on humanitarian organization,with is something i also witnessed.
Father goriot from balzac a stole from my wife,liked it,but no morethan that.
I had a good laugh with the face by Koontz,like watching a B-movie!:D
Currently reading Right as rain by Pelecanos and loving it to bits,got the 3following ones.

As witch was the best?Hard to say all been differents(not koontz for sure!)The road would be consensual,;)

Saliotthomas, you seem to change your avatar image, hon, it looks like Jack Gallo in the TV Series Just Shoot Me
Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner. Very entertaining non-fiction with original perspectives.
The only Hemmingway book I've read to date is The Old Man and the Sea, but I thought it was great. Just not enough time to read everything I want. A Farewell to Arms will be my nex Hemmingway book some time this year (I hope).
The only Hemmingway book I've read to date is The Old Man and the Sea, but I thought it was great. Just not enough time to read everything I want. A Farewell to Arms will be my nex Hemmingway book some time this year (I hope).

I hope too. The novel Fiesta is better than that.
I suddenly feel like I'm way behind in my reading this year - it's just about April and I'm still working on my 7th of the year...

Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities is by far the best I've read this year. I've decided I need to read more Dickens.