You're not supposed to conquer psychological pain. It's there for a reason. If you never felt grief when a person died then what reason would there be for you to care for your family? You wouldn't give a shit if they were dead or not, or if they were suffering. Might as well rape your own mother and shove your baby in a blender.
You wouldn't feel compassion. After all, you don't feel emotional pain so how you empathise with the pain of others? Might as well send a few million Jews to the gas chambers, it'll solve unemployment and free up some real estate.
And as for physical pain, well you said that that doesn't exist.
the only real pain is psychological
Which is nonsense. Surely you can see that? Physical pain also has a very important function. There are some people that block out the stimulus. But why? So they can do stupid things to themselves? Unless you think that setting fire to yourself is a smart career move? Physical pain hurts. That's the point. You know it hurts so you avoid situations that will cause you pain. And you appreciate that what hurts you can hurt others, and because you're capable of empathy on account of still feeling emotional pain, you don't inflict unwarranted pain on others.
You fight to 'conquer' either of these two responses and you lose part of your humanity. We already have people like this in the world, and the ones that aren't in prison are off killing and raping and torturing.
From other comments you made about misery not being real, I find it worrying that you should be so preoccupied with switching off emotions and physical reactions. They're a part of life. Misery and pain aren't nice, but they're bloody important, and if you'd rather switch them off than experience them then you aren't going to experience life to the full. Without the lows, you can't ever hope to appreciate the highs.