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Ms. said:I've decided to buy the book on this alone(well and its only 5 euro!)
Awww that makes me feel all mushyMs. said:you're a newb like moi
ps i love you
I loved "Love in the time of cholera" it was really good but somehow i felt that Marquez's last book, "The story of my sad sluts" resembled it a bit too much... i don't know, maybe it's just me but reading that book felt almost like reading an excerpt of "Love in the time of cholera"ilusyonada said:i would like to read again " the unbearable lightness of being" by milan kundera and "love in the time of cholera"
Geenh said:I reread The Great Gatsby every year. Also, some oldies but goodies like The Phantom Tollbooth and The Little Prince and Watership Down.