Back 20 years ago (when I was young and freeeeeeeeee) I avidly devoured any Piers Anthony I could get my hands on. Then, almost overnight, I lost complete interest in anything he wrote. I loved the first three Xanth novels but haven't read anything past Nightmare. The first three Adept (?) books but couldn't get into the next series. Over the years, I've tried to pick up the odd PA book and haven't finished any of them. And trying to read the earlier stuff, I have little to no enthusiasm since it doesn't really catch me, now.
Similar, I had the same thing happen with the Dragonlance books and FASA's Shadowrun books.
I wonder why they don't captivate me any more.
Similar, I had the same thing happen with the Dragonlance books and FASA's Shadowrun books.
I wonder why they don't captivate me any more.