Despite the horrible images over in Jefferson Parish, New Orleans, and Mississippi, I'm ok. Thank you all for your concern. God help those stuck in their atticts. According to local news search and rescue teams have been out all day helping people off of their roof tops and out of their attics. Those that didn't evacuate. Lot's of sad stories and devestating damage. God help ummm!
Our city here in Lafayette is the next largest after Baton Rouge so we've got lots of evacuee's in the city. The hospital I work is located in Lafayette and we're full up with patients from Nursing Homes in Chalmette and New Orleans. We've opened several sheltered areas in the city too.
Sorry I couldn't write sooner, but I think Cajun Momma answered for me. Thanks Momma! LOL

I've been working and staying at the hospital because we were on emergency staffing.
Hurricane Katrinia has ruined our faithful city of New Orleans. It will be months before electrcity will be restored to the city. The beautiful sites of New Orleans is no more. God Help US!