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What missing link?
An unusual binomial , the << Modern routes >> in the Seventies and the Eighties . I found a group of pioneers/visionaries as Gian Carlo Grassi, J-M Boivin, Mick Fowler, Phil Thornhill etc... and some Rock Crystals in the way like Faden smoky quartz , Gwindel plus Phantom --- If you are interested the next time I will write a summary... Meditate it !!
Yes. I am interested.
Cool !! But before the summary in itself ( btw, I will send you it ), I’m also going to write you a brief introduction to the Sixties, with regard to the << North American influence >> embodied by Yvon Chouinard, Royal Robbins, Gary Hemming and the << Scottish Touch >> Hamish MacInnes, Cunningham... - Actually, there was a lot of polynomials that were interacting during those years... ------- Regarding to Crystal Rocks, besides locations, types of quartz and axis of Symmetry , I would like to add my knowledges in Crystal chemistry . In fact, I am interested in the fluids inclusions , Anisotropic properties, Piezoelectricity, bond energy, etc.... As you see, I found a worthwhile Binomial !!
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And with surprises...:buttrock I've thought about doing a bit more detailed this summary, for this reason, I've added the Interwars period - known as Era of the Alpine Trilogies- I've also written about the Postwar - 3 Principles : LENGTH, CONTINUITY, COMMITMENT, that meant, new objectives in distant mountain ranges , for example, the first conquest of the Annapurna in 1950 - in fact, Andes and Himalaya turned into the new grail -. And I've forgotten a third interval between 1906 - 1920 , when an engineer, Oskar Eckenstein, brought us the front-point crampon and his short ice axe.... It was necessary to explain this kind of greats <<technological revolutions >> . In outline, I did a chronology about facts and changes ... The best way for understanding the mountaineering's Evolution or otherwise, the modern routes . Don't worry, there are deustch people in the summary !! :D
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Just finished "Voltaire: A Life" by Ian Davidson. Absolutely enthralling! So wonderfully written. Highly, highly recommended.

I've now moved onto "Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy" by Gabriella Coleman upload_2015-2-3_7-0-5.jpeg