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JonV said:1) The Da Vinci Code ...a friend said it was good and lent me a copy. Actually it's brilliant - can't put it down - very glad I changed my mind!
Rhapsody said:Wuthering Heights, believe or not it's my first time reading it!![]()
Rhapsody said:Wuthering Heights, believe or not it's my first time reading it!![]()
JonV said:2) Sometimes I can't be bothered to carry a book when I'm travelling on the train, so I've started using a mobile phone service […] Quite a lot of their stuff is free, too.
Stewart said:It would seem, sir, that your friend hasn't a clue about fiction and, by your enjoyment of the book, neither do you.
It's one of the most embarrassing books of recent years.
Stewart said:It would seem, sir, that your friend hasn't a clue about fiction and, by your enjoyment of the book, neither do you.
It's one of the most embarrassing books of recent years.
jay said:Will someone please bring Stewart a cuppa coffee??!!
let him know the book he’s reading aint veddy much better than Da Code?
Annnnnnnnnnnd that he has _The Historian_ on order?
JonV said:I'm reading two things:
1) The Da Vinci Code - I didn't plan to read it (after the adverse publicity), but a friend said it was good and lent me a copy. Actually it's brilliant - can't put it down - very glad I changed my mind!
2) Sometimes I can't be bothered to carry a book when I'm travelling on the train, so I've started using a mobile phone service called Gobstopped which does short stories, comic strips and jokes. I think it's quite new, and at first they didn't have very much, but it seems to be growing all the time and some of it is really good. Quite a lot of their stuff is free, too. You get it by texting the word GOB to 83238. I recommend the stories Norweigan Standoff and Cat Talk. Website is www.gobstopped.com.
Stewart said:I think you'll find he was a spammer trying to get us to download his story, for whatever charge, from that site.
Erica said:I have 'The Kite Runner' - Khaled Hosseini on my TBR List
Heard its very good.
Stewart said:It's alright as a window into Afghani customs (weddings, games, events, etc.) but I'm not too keen on the narration itself. It lacks a certain energy and the characters, while different, are not all that interesting. They need the aforementioned energy in order to jump off the page but they don't do much.
Erica said:its not quite what I thought.
Erica said:Maybe ? so many of them sites...
Hey, just cos I didn't post a reply right away doesn't make me a spammer! Some of us had work to do and have only just skived off onto the internet again!
Anyway, here goes to everyone who got back to me on this:
JMS asked how long are the Gobstopped stories. I'm not actually sure, but at a guess I'd say it took me a good 5 minutes each to read the couple I've bought. I'm quite a fast reader, even if I do have bad taste in novels![]()
Jay asks how are they free. Well, as far as I can see it's nothing illegal! Looks like it's just free samples to persuade us to buy the paid-for stuff - it worked on me, anyway...
Erica doesn't fancy reading a book on the mobile. I know what you mean - it does sound a bit weird. I'm not planning on giving up carrying books altogether anytime soon, but when I can't be arsed (!) it does work for me.
Does anyone know of any other companies offering similar stuff on mobiles, by the way?
Oh, and I stand by my decision about the Da Vinci Code, Stewart - it may be based on rubbish but it's a damn good pageturner of a story!![]()
JonV said:just cos I didn't post a reply right away doesn't make me a spammer! Some of us had work to do and have only just skived off onto the internet again!
Oh, and I stand by my decision about the Da Vinci Code, Stewart - it may be based on rubbish but it's a damn good pageturner of a story!![]()
Stewart said:It's not about what it's based on (although that's rubbish too) that makes it rubbish it's the fact that Dan Brown doesn't think about the words he puts on pages. My favourite example is on the first page where Sauniere can see the silhouette of his killer standing fifteen feet away yet he tells us about the hair colour, eye colour, and build of this silhouette. Did you forget to set your literary alarm for that one? The alarm goes off all the time while reading that.
jay said:The first 100 pages of _The Kite Runner_ are almost-ok. And then it cascades into damn near every cliché a writer could ever pull. He leap-frogs Danny Brown in some areas. Sickening.
Good to hear Joyce will be read as a salve.
JonV said:But don't you just like to switch off your disbelief system sometimes and be entertained?
Stewart said:I'm about 160 pages into it and all the life in America stuff just didn't really do anything for me.
Then I showed him Finnegans Wake and it looks like he no longer wants to read Joyce. Shame.![]()