Brown, again and "his ideas" thats just it ... none of them are his ideas, they have just been presented in a way for masses to comprehened within
Brown's sophmoric prose and structure. The same information, that
Brown is using to shock people in layman's terms now, were already masterfuly put in a terrific novel
Focault's Pendulum by
Umberto Eco, and to a lesser extent (as far as quality) but more on the info some 20 years ago in
Holy Blood, Holy Grail, which also created the same type of stir, and has to be the absolute foundation of
Brown's work. No research required, all he did was put in a language more accesible to a huge buying segment that would normally read the other cheap thrillers (Clancy etc) but would not read a book by
Eccho because his writing is dense.
Brown deserves kudoz for the marketing, and choosing his angle, but absoluteling nothing for any ideas, or his
"Jack and Jill" like prose.
Davinci Code is recomednable to teens as a great and mildy entertaining thriller, for those looking for a good book, by a real author who is writing for adults, I suggest
Focault's Pendulum by Eco
Just my opinion however