Phantom Navigation by Robert Frazier

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23 chromosomes from one parent, 23 from the other. 46 inescapable parts to a recipe. In Robert Frazier's case, his father was a cryptographer at Bletchley Park during WWII, and his mother was a landscape painter who studied with Emile Albert Gruppé. Thus the mystical science of deciphering gibberish into plain text meshes with a penchant for impressionistic imagery in Phantom Navigation. Within his first poetry collection in ten years, Frazier maps half-a-hundred works collected from a long career in publishing. Join the 3-time Rhysling-award-winner as he explores the intersection of science and art with a vengeance.
"As honest as wheat, as spectacular and absorbing as a dream, Phantom Navigation is an explosion of creativity from one of America's finest poets. Robert Frazier's breadth of vision is extraordinary."
- Lucius Shepard, author of The Dragon Griaule
"A little Ginsberg, a little Eliot, a little Coleridge, and a lot of storytelling in the sfinal way, yet it is poetry, pure poetry, down to its pretty little ionized toes. How can anyone who loves poetry and sf/fantasy resist this new
collection by the master himself. That's it! Don't resist! Resistance is futile."
- Jane Yolen, author of Things to Say to a Dead Man
"Robert Frazier writes knowing, evocative, poignant, and allusive poetry. His images and metaphors, in addition to startling with their aptness, create clear pictures of alien situations and phenomena, a remarkable skill. Further, this book showcases Frazier's talents in nearly fifty disciplined individual performances."
- Michael Bishop, author of The Door Gunner, and Other Perilous Flights of Fancy

Click here to read more about Phantom Navigation
23 chromosomes from one parent, 23 from the other. 46 inescapable parts to a recipe. In Robert Frazier's case, his father was a cryptographer at Bletchley Park during WWII, and his mother was a landscape painter who studied with Emile Albert Gruppé. Thus the mystical science of deciphering gibberish into plain text meshes with a penchant for impressionistic imagery in Phantom Navigation. Within his first poetry collection in ten years, Frazier maps half-a-hundred works collected from a long career in publishing. Join the 3-time Rhysling-award-winner as he explores the intersection of science and art with a vengeance.
"As honest as wheat, as spectacular and absorbing as a dream, Phantom Navigation is an explosion of creativity from one of America's finest poets. Robert Frazier's breadth of vision is extraordinary."
- Lucius Shepard, author of The Dragon Griaule
"A little Ginsberg, a little Eliot, a little Coleridge, and a lot of storytelling in the sfinal way, yet it is poetry, pure poetry, down to its pretty little ionized toes. How can anyone who loves poetry and sf/fantasy resist this new
collection by the master himself. That's it! Don't resist! Resistance is futile."
- Jane Yolen, author of Things to Say to a Dead Man
"Robert Frazier writes knowing, evocative, poignant, and allusive poetry. His images and metaphors, in addition to startling with their aptness, create clear pictures of alien situations and phenomena, a remarkable skill. Further, this book showcases Frazier's talents in nearly fifty disciplined individual performances."
- Michael Bishop, author of The Door Gunner, and Other Perilous Flights of Fancy