I read Elenum/Tamuli in a Danish translation - it wasn't too horrid if I recall correctly. I think they were better than the Belgariad/Malloreon - much better.
Like the Belgariad was only the first draft for the story-line of Elenum.
I enjoyed the books - no doubt about it, but still... they weren't *that* good.
Also one thing that annoyed me greatly with the Belgariad/Malloreon was all the weddings. Not a single character is left single and alive. At first I didn't understand why everyone had to find a spouse and marry - I hated it and wouldn't have expected it from a male author. I was very mystified, but then they officially gave David's wife, Leigh, the credit she apparently deserved for doing part of the work on the books, and I know I may be seeing ghosts here, but then it all made sense to me: of course, the woman is a hopeless romantic, she will want everyone married off to eternal happiness... yuck (no offense to those out there who are happily married)
It happened to a lesser degree in Althalus, which is a far better book than any of the others, but still there was a certain sense of rush to the pairings. Ohhhh we have to get them married before the book ends. It's not quite that bad in Althalus and it doesn't happen to everyone either, but it still irks me.
I heard from a friend that the couple's latest series was really disappointing compared to what they'd previously published, so since I'm not a huge fan I doubt I'll spend time with this new series.
Yeah, sorry about my gripe, but it actually really ruined the endings for me. Everything was fine after the Belgariad - some had gotten married some had not, all was fine. And then in Malloreon it all toppled for me. I actually regret having read that sequel-series. But that's me, I'm a grouchy bugger, I don't want my endings to be too happy - it makes me nauseous.