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Diana Gabaldon


New Member
I've just finished Dragonfly in Amber By Diana Gabaldon (Book 2 of the Outlander series).

Loved, loved, loved it! I thought it to be an entirely appropriate follow-up to the fabulous Cross Stitch (Outlander). With other sequels, you sometimes get the feeling that the book was written a bit too quickly and with not as much care as the first (probably because of the knowledge of the impending fortune of sales), but I didn't get this feeling at all with DIA. It was just a beautifully written, enthralling novel, one which I couldn't put down for the life of me.

It was a rather lengthy book, being 963 pages long, but I finished it in about 5 days. It was extremely captivating and I could hardly bear to tear myself away from it. With some novels of this length the plot seems a bit stretched, and fillers are obvious every now and then, but I did not find this at all with this book. Granted, the novel began pretty slowly, but after about 50 or so pages the book really took off, and I never got bored once from then until the end of this magnificant piece of work.

It's been awhile since I read Cross Stitch, but I still remember the passion I had for the book afterwards. It had faded before I picked up Dragonfly in Amber, but now it has been rekindled with a vengance. It's now that I remember all the things that made me love the first - the enlivening descriptions, the great characterisation, the compelling, adventurous plot, and, of course, the beautiful writing.

There is, of course, one more major attraction to the novels - Jamie. My crush for him has been rekindled anew, let me tell you. Claire's a lucky gal, that's for sure ;) :D

Has anyone here read Voyager ? I've recently purchased it and have never looked forward to something this much in my life. Is it as good as the previous two?
MonkeyCatcher said:
Has anyone here read Voyager ? I've recently purchased it and have never looked forward to something this much in my life. Is it as good as the previous two?

MonkeyCatcher, you're in for a treat. Voyager was my very favorite of all the Gabaldon books, even including Outlander. It also introduces the person who became my second-favorite character, Lord John Grey. (I know you can guess who is my very favorite character.)
Appolonia said:
MonkeyCatcher, you're in for a treat. Voyager was my very favorite of all the Gabaldon books, even including Outlander. It also introduces the person who became my second-favorite character, Lord John Grey. (I know you can guess who is my very favorite character.)
Ah, thanks for the reply. You've made me look forward to it even more than before, and I didn't think that that was in any way possible :p

Is this new character the main in Lord John and the Private Matter? Is this book in any way connected to the Outlander series?
Lord John at the Private Matter, a short story that is in the Legends 2 anthology, and a short electronic story titled Hellfire, are not part of the Outlander series. They are supplemental stories about a character from the series. This is because Lord John became such a popular character people wanted to read more about him.
I didn't really want to start a new thread for this query, so I thought that I'd stick it here.

Has anyone read A Breath of Snow and Ashes, and if so, was it any good? I heard that The Fiery Cross was a bit of a disappointment, and was wondering if Gabaldon has picked up in the latest installment.
MonkeyCatcher I've read and re-read the entire series. I read her latest, A Breath of Snow and Ashes a few months ago. Verra Enjoyable! Just when I thought Jamie and Claire couldn't be made any deeper, there DG goes again and makes it happen. I was not disappointed in the least. The end is very satisfying, as is the entire book. :)
Diana Gabaldon!

After reading several recommendations for the Outlander series here, I picked up the Recorded Books version of Dragonfly in Amber at my library; I'm enjoying it hugely.

Davina Porter is able to do accents and voices like nobody's business -- English, American, Scottish, French -- you name it, I guess, and what a treat this has turned out to be. Thanks to all of you who suggested this series and this author. I was already aware of Porter's talents, and she's perfectly matched with Gabaldon' characters in this book.

Gabaldon is funny! I will be reading (listening to, actually) more of her books, you can bet on that.

Talk about dirty characters. Nobody ever takes a bath!


Reviving an old thread ,but she is my favorite author.

I am currently halfway through Lord John and the Hands of Devils

and waiting for the next Outlander book from the series to come out.
Last year went to her book signing:D

any one else here a fan?
I've only read the first Lord John, and didn't like it as much as the Outlander series.
I do love the Outlander series though, have read all of them. She's working on one now and said there may be two more, but definitely one more. :cool:

Do you have the Companion book she wrote?

How neat to have been able to go to a signing!
No I don't, that reminds me to try and find it used:)thanks.

The Lord John series I only enjoyed Lord John and the Brotherhood of the BladeI really liked it.

Private Matters was not so great for me.
Hands of Devils is three novellas in one book, the first novella was good but too short, now I am in the middle of the second.
-sigh of relief- Very cool.

I just picked up the first, Outlander, after a daily journey to BN and seeing what I guess is the 5th (?) new out in paperback. Now I really look forward to reading it!

So, the series is as good as the 9,000,000 pages it'll take to cascade through it? :)
I had the first three books for years.

It's going to be kind of hard to get into, but at about 100 pages in you start getting hooked.
There are six books of the Outlander series and 3 Lord John series.


Not 9,000.000, maybe close to 7,000.399 :)
I've been meaning to read these books. I read a novel by Elizabeth Goudge years ago where the plot involved a central character living parallel lives in modern England and 18th century Scotland (I think it was The Middle Window), and it looks as though the basic plot in the Outlander series is similar. I thought the Goudge book was an intriguing idea, so it's making me more interested in reading the Gabaldon series. I've seen them in bookshops and always thought about picking up the first one.

This forum is doing terrible things to my bank balance...
I've been meaning to read these books. I read a novel by Elizabeth Goudge years ago where the plot involved a central character living parallel lives in modern England and 18th century Scotland (I think it was The Middle Window), and it looks as though the basic plot in the Outlander series is similar. I thought the Goudge book was an intriguing idea, so it's making me more interested in reading the Gabaldon series. I've seen them in bookshops and always thought about picking up the first one.

This forum is doing terrible things to my bank balance...

Same here, but they are worth it.
I am going to take a look at The Middle Window
thanks. lol
Gosh, I haven't read anything by Elizabeth Goudge in years! She was an interesting author though. The Middle Window sounds good.
It's starting,the tour,yay...no details for what cities but you get an idea when she's going to be in a particular country.:D

Tour News
I'm about 2/3rds of the way through An Echo in the Bone, and it's dragging for me. Yes, I care what happens to the offspring, but such detail! I want the original pair, Jamie and Claire to be predominant again. With the other books, I couldn't put them down, I thought about them when I couldn't be actually reading, and couldn't wait to get back to it. I zoomed right through each and every one. Not this one.

Gabaldon has already said there is another book coming [sometime], and I hope she concentrates on the very thing that has brought me back to the series all these years. That being the enduring love story of Jamie and Claire.