Active Member
phil_t said:Perhaps you should consider that maybe we just enjoy have fun, non-sensical conversations, and that in GENERAL chat maybe we dont have to take things so seriously?
lol, like you take anything seriously here. ;p
warm_enema said:From what I've noticed, most people cannot talk about politics or religion without the conversation getting heated.
In my experience with forums, I've found that the politics does get heated. It's not a route I like to go down either. On the religion side I've seen it as more interesting - an example being this: wit, theory, passion, and ignorance.
SillyWabbit said:There is a simple relpy, and I promise you that I'm not being snarkyIf you don't like it... leave
Oh, but I do like it.

Having said that, you are also very rude and arrogant, and insulting.
I'll admit I can be abrupt and this can be open to interpretation. Self assessment would deny that accusation.

You seem to go to great measures to prove to people know you are how clever you are. I wonder if you are insecure?
No measures. If I'm not sure on something I'll look it up - that's the greatest measure. I'm not insecure; I've got no reason to be.
With this posting you insulted and alienated almost every person that posts to this forum. Half of them that post fun stuff you call "childish" and the other half you claim are idiots because they like to read things that you class as stupid or for kids, such as Dan Brown of Harry potter.
Right, let's tackle this. The first half should not feel alienated as I never said anything against the pictures, links, movies, and games posted in numerous threads here. I, without knowing anything about the forum's users, suggested that there was an element of youth. I did not say they were young or immature. There was even a joke there.

As for the other half. They can read whatever they like. On the Dan Brown thing (hopefully this will be the last time this is even bothered with) I've said he was a bad author, and I've said his book was full of errors. The first is my opinion; the latter is, simply, fact. Others liked it. Okay, I'm happy with that.
And I've never said that Harry Potter was bad.
Basically, milo-0, you need to get some people skils dude!![]()
I've enrolled in college for Introduction to Interpersonal Skills.
Litany said:This is a discussion forum about books, and I joined it to talk about books. Mostly. But, if it was my only forum then I think I would get a bit fed up with not being allowed to discuss politics and religion. But I can get that fix elsewhere, so I don't miss it too much here.
I understand that. It's nice to be able to discuss things with a different range of characters/personalities every now and then.
Other than that, I would love to have an actual discussion/debate. But it's quite hard to think of subjects that won't start or end with politics and religion.
Understood. I can think of some. Not debates though; discussions.
Ashlea said:people tend to have trouble identifying irony or sarcasm and so forth and get all worked up over nothing.
Funnily enough, I get that all the time.
tugger said:I enjoy the more deep intellectual discussions and often learn a lot from them. But, at the same time the banter between Wabbit and Martin and Phil_T and Raven often has me rolling on the floor in stitches.![]()
Agreed. There's always space for both. Phil's ass is wearing thin though. I wonder what he's been doing to it.