Originally posted by Sentinel
Very intersting subject I must say.
Now, I can understand the hatred for unnecessary Multi-Volumes (must not be trilogies must they?) that lead the reader to believe there is only money to be gained. Then again, as was mentioned with LOTR: WHO decides the publishing format? Iwould think more often than not it'S the publisher that decides to hack a manuscript of 1000 Pages into thre 330 page-books to make more money. Which author who is so happy to be published at all will turn away from that?
Also the "endless" series such as Robert Jordans Wheel of time (IS it going to end???) or George RR Martin (is he going to finish that story or is he going to die before) make me angry as a consumer (haven't read either so I don't know whether I will like them).
Then: Where is the criteria of an UNNECESSARY multi-volume book? Is it a number of pages is it what you think makes for a boring read? What?
I for my part are still relatively new to reading Fantasy and thus probably have a lot of discoveris to make that you others have already made, but I have to admit, I do specifically search for multi-volume stories, simply because I like stories with "meat" on the basic bones of one of those seven plots.
If a story is entertaining and draws me in (like Otherland, Farseer Trilogy, Dragonbone Chair...) I don't mind waiting for the next volume (well, I DO mind because I am one impatient person). If the story does not captivate me, I won't buy a second volume...
That said I don't mind or diss one volume stories. I just found that it's oftentimes a very disappointing read, when a big story is set up, makes you interested in the characters and dropps off leaving you unsatisfied after 300 pages.
Thanks for the reply
I want to make something clear to you and everybody: I don't actually dislike multi volume stories. I loved "memory, sorrow and thorn" books by Tad Williams. I have read many multi volume stories that I do like
My point is, why does EVERY single fantasy published have to be multi volume???? That's just crazy. I want choice. Also, does every fantasy story have to be "the kingdom/world is in trouble so therefore object/army/person must save it? I just think fantasy is in a terrible market driven rut. Can't I buy a single volume fantasy book if I want??? There are people that publish single volume works and they seem, to me anyway, to be the ones publishing original works. People like Gene Wolf, Tanith Lee, C J Cheryh and Guy Garviel Kay.
