I've started writing a diary when I'm 12 but stop due to not enough commitment in keeping one. Then I started again at 14 but my diary was then stolen by my 2nd younger sister, after I wrote out a few entries. At 15, I confronted her and retrieve back my diary. Sadly, all my old entries were discarded by her.
I explored more on my thoughts at that age and write more, with seriousness. During that age, my skill on english language was'nt enough. I shall say, I'm very louzy with english at that time. Until 16, I attended some english enrichment course and I decided to keep a notebook on every new words I've learnt through reading, etc.
I started to induce some new words into my diary entries. That was the period when my interest to write beautiful entries occurred. I started with memorizing works at first, then gradually, those words enter my mind without me realizing and I began to use them in better way. Trust me, it was real hard to get hold of english at first when every member in my family spoke only chinese but a few english occassionally. Plus, especially in a surrounding with many chinese people.
When working at the age of 15, I did interact with alot of foreigners. That was when I started to improve my oral for english language by conversing more with the whites. I was very enthusiastic when coming to serve whites customers.
After 'O' Level, I will admit, I left english intact and use only simpe english in my daily life. I lost interest in reading. But still I wrote in my diary occassionally. And now, that diary of mine is quite full with alot of writings. I've kept up to 3 books. Pages in each of them was'nt totally used up because I'm always receiving new one and don't know how to deal with them. So I wrote in any of them whenever I like.
Until last year, I yearn to read more. And then started to venture on online blogs. Tried several online journal providers, but I ended up using Blogger.com in the end. I like to change my blogskin now and then, that's why. Blogger is the only blog amongst most I've tried, that allows changing of skins.
The URL for my blog is
I always encourage my friends read them up if they kept telling me that they are bored. Please feel free to read up my entries. I think I've written up 100 entries and started only on March this year. I've stop updating recently because abit lazy and been buzy for the past few days.
Try not to be offended when you came across angry entries written by me. There are some actually. And maybe you can understand more about me through reading my blog.