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Draw A Pig

Can I revive this thread? It's so cute. I found it because Cary bumped the Laymon thread to the top and I found out that I was once registered as Amy_1984. Weird, hey? Not sure how I forgot that. I hope I haven't broken any forum rules, but I obviously don't use the old account (I think exceptions should be made for the seriously memory challenged).

Anyhoo, I thought maybe some newer members could have a go. Impress us with your piggy scrawls!

Here's my newest one (I stuffed up the eyes, so he's now ultra-cool sunnies-wearing pig):

I found out that I was once registered as Amy_1984. Weird, hey? Not sure how I forgot that. I hope I haven't broken any forum rules...

I'll see if Darren can merge your accounts for you. You'll stay as Peronel, but your old post will be credited to you.
Oh, okay...

performs a hasty check to see if she wants old posts credited to her....

Yeah, that would be great! Ta, mehastings.
A for effort. It was made in Paint and then blended (sort of) in Photoshop. Hooray.

Peronel said:
I found out that I was once registered as Amy_1984. I hope I haven't broken any forum rules.
If you have, so has Stewart and his other personalities.

Nice pig abduction Catalyst.
