I don't think I will ever get into e-readers. I have no shelf space left - but like the feel of a book. What happens if the electronic gadget breaks, dies, doesn't work anymore? What happens to all the downloaded books? I would die if all was lost. I hope that your bookstore will survive as well as ALL bookstores.
what happens if your house burns down, floods, get hit by a tornado and such
see where I am going with this?
if right now I erased all my e-books from my Nookcolor they are still on the server (Barnes & Noble)
and I can re-download them anytime I want
or with my Sony they are on my hard drive and on my SD card
also I can re-download them any time I want from their site
both places keep a file of your downloaded books for future downloads
but if your house burns down you gotta buy new books with the insurance money, if there is any at all...
plus the e-reader is much lighter than your dead tree and I can cary many books with me in a small format lets see you cary 10,15, or 25 books at the same time in your truck or at the doctors office
plus e-readers are more eco friendly as they don't kill as many trees to make books available for you to read